Reviews for Over the Hill Shines: Reality
Guest chapter 4 . 7/18/2012
YUFFIE IS PREGNANT? I didn't expect that. That was good. I like this story!
ScarletRose99 chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
love it, great story :) i love all the details, it made it seem realistic, because i could picture the scenes in my head, GOOD JOB
ShikaIno4evez chapter 4 . 7/23/2011
Hehehe you said my name at the end :D i gotta say this is my favortie chapter so far! (and yes i know, i Still cant spell fav right) lol guess why this is my fav chapter? And yep i am that self concided (-; (guess i cant spell that either) oh guess what else? It took me ten minutes looking around this chapter to Finally rember where the review botton was... It was at the very bottom... At first i was like WTF where the hell is but then its like Wow. I. Am. So. Stupid. But hey i found it eventually... Or did i?...
ShikaIno4evez chapter 3 . 7/20/2011
I Love this chapter! Sorry i never got around to reviewing it or anything before i was too lazy right then... By the way you should explain the whole zombie thing in the story soon cause your idea for it wad like super complicated and Friken Amazingness! Though the eye thing your trying to do kinda confuses me... They all seem to have like the same but just diffrent sized puiples so far (and yeah i know, i failed every spelling test i ever took) and your idea for dolphins... PUT IT IN ALREADY! cause i changed my mind and now adays long stories are really starting to annoy me... On a completly random note we need to beat up chris for... Being a total bitch and having the nerve to call me one
Phantom-Lord Noel chapter 4 . 7/11/2011
LOve the chap and wanted to ask if that blonde zombie was Seifer?
ShikaIno4evez chapter 2 . 7/8/2011
Awesome yet again! And btw you are so much better off now and you friken know it! Im gonna be the best beta person thingy ever! And its 3:30 can we go to sleep already... Or at least get food my tummies growling and by we getting food i mean you go get me some and i read your story and make you happy by reviewing and start writing your I want your candy next chapter thing already! :p
ShikaIno4evez chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
That first chapter was so cool! Lol i love the irony that they were talking about zombie video games and stuff oh and btw Love the teachers name (-;
Phantom-Lord Noel chapter 3 . 6/30/2011
Great chapter I really loved it
711beyonce chapter 3 . 5/17/2011
This chapter was really good, I'm liking how things are going so far and I can't wait for the next chapter.
CitrusFruityPop chapter 3 . 5/13/2011
woah did aqua, like, die? aha, namine is gonna get it one day.

great chapter, luved it.

vanitas is so brave o hes all actiony and stuff, its amazing! hes so cranky too, haha

the only thing i have to 'critique' is the ven part. it kind of felt rushed and a bit unexplained. you should have added more to his part of the story.

but i still think it was good, and i look forward to the next chapter )
shadowdolls chapter 3 . 5/12/2011
Lol! They're gonna try to survive by doing stuff from video games xP actually, that's awesome! Ha! see adults! video games aren't that bad xD. Damn this story is suspenseful xP wonder how many people has died already, oh and hope sora and Roxas reaches the rooftop!:( Wait..why are they going to the rooftop anyways? o.O wouldn't it be kinda dangerous there since there's little to no escape? what's Ven thinking O.O

Oh, and Vanitas is so cool~ hehehe. He really is awesome xP oh and poor Nami :( I know it would be hard killing stuff (just thinking of being in the situation they're in makes my skin crawl) but hope she finds the courage to stab somethin :(

oh and um when's Ven and Vanitas gonna meet? really wanna know when oh and yipee! Ienzo is gonna appear again xP hehe I just find the guy cute~

hope ya update soon ;) fast updates are awesome~ well bye bye for now! shadowdolls out~
shadowdolls chapter 2 . 5/3/2011
It's official. I LOVE THIS STORY! Who the hell cares if it's gory xP It's so awesome! How you describe this is just so detailed and understandable, it's amazing! And it actually has a plot other than romance and the normal school life~ It's gross and engrossing xP which for me is a good thing :) Honestly, I think this would be the best VanVen story I would ever read! Hm, though that insane story called "birth by death" which is also VanVen is equally as awesome :). hehehehe though the story is very worrying, I wish nobody dies :( though wait, someone did die already o-o so just scratch what I said xP

and Ugh! why did you leave a cliffhanger like that on Ven's side of the story! will they really survive with only the five of them fighting? Hope so! and not even everyone has a weapon! also hope Vanitas doesn't get to too much trouble, though that sounds likely impossible. hehe bring on the action! xP Oh and damn it Cloud! You should be worried! Wish Zack and Cloud was there with their swords, hehe they'd totally kick ass~

Reading this totally made me happy and hyper! I really love it and hope you update! Hope Vanitas and Ven meet soon as well o-o oh and hey, mind telling the pairings that's going to be in this story? oh and wait...what happened to Sora and Roxas?

Ok, seriously, hope you update soon! um sorry for the long review...I kinda ramble sometimes when I like something...specially when I'm hands just wont stop pressing buttons o-o
shadowdolls chapter 1 . 5/3/2011
Sorry but I just had to review the first chapter! It was really amazing! Kind of gory yes, but ever since reading Daren Shann's books, I've been interested in this kind of stories xP speaking of Shann, this totally reminded me of Demonata. If you know it, awesome xD if you don't then I suggest you try that book :D it's really great! Anyways, I'm off to read the second chapter! I promise to leave a review again :D
gacrux11 chapter 2 . 5/1/2011
Very nice, very nice. You do a good job at writing suspenseful/action-y scenes. I'll be following this for sure ;]
CitrusFruityPop chapter 2 . 4/30/2011
forgot my password for my acc, hahaha

i liked this chapter alott :) the only problem was i think ven and lea were to ready for action. like, they charged right in on it, no hesitation

other than that, it was awesome! cant wait for the secnd chapter :)
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