Reviews for The Curse of the Winchester Women
Guest chapter 41 . 5/30
Please comeback
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
This is a petition to get Jo back on the show p/cw-network-bring-back-jo-from-the-dead-in-supernatural
Please sign it and then share it.
RitaSousaSantos chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
So glad there is another one of these!
untilmynextstory chapter 41 . 1/18/2019
I hope one day you guys finish this story! I love Dean and Jo and they are portrayed wonderfully in this story! I even like the budding Sam and Sophia relationship.
FreakWithAKnifeCollection chapter 41 . 7/1/2018
Hope you continue this story. I'm still waiting for the marriage, the future kids and what will happen to the curse. How the Winchester brother can save Jo. Please, please, update...
Hope you didn't forget this fanfic.

I'm still waiting and I will wait..
R.Lupin-Malfoy chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
wow, I read the story before this and had to explore more. is the finished product on your blog? this is amazing. never have I found a writer who captures the essence of the characters so well. I'm dying to see a baby and marraige for both guys! I really need to know the truth about Sophia and pleasant let it break Sam again. are the Wincheste woman actually cursed? did that girl really die? so many questions. thank you for you're
japrilss chapter 41 . 8/3/2017

I just began watching supernatural not too long ago and was absolutely devastated when Jo died on the show. By reading this story, I was able to see what Dean and Jo could've been. Your writing is incredible and the story lines are so captivating and interesting. I know it's been awhile since you've updated but hopefully you may find the inspiration to continue this story? I am dying to find out if the Winchester women curse is true and I cannot wait to read more of your stories.
Guest chapter 41 . 7/25/2017
I just started the jo dean ship! And i saw this omg olds tell me you update this. Or have any more
Guest chapter 41 . 12/20/2016
I'm looking forward to the next chapters, I hope you do not give up writing I loved your stories especially about supernatural...
J.D. Toulouse chapter 41 . 2/3/2016
Hello there,

I just stumbled upon this story a couple of weeks ago and I have to admit that I am beyond impressed! It is rare to find such a well written piece on FanFiction, and of this particular pairing (Dean and Jo with a good portion of Sam thrown into the mix). The way in which the two of you describe the characters are spot on and you manage to bring them to life in a way that not many FanFiction-authors are able to. They feel genuin and even the characteristics you have taken the liberty of giving them (for example Jo being afraid of spiders and Sam being somewhat shy around Sophia) fits well into the picture painted by the television show itself.

However, it was not solely your wonderful presentation of the characters that kept me hungrily reading chapter after chapter. The plot of this story is obviously very thought through and as a reader you get the impression that every single paragraph is important for what lays ahead. Nothing feel out of place or unnecessary and it keeps the reader interested. Personally I love that you have incorporated creatures that have not yet been featured on the show, but are present in old folklore. It makes the story stand out in a very good way.

I have not failed to notice that this story has not been updated since August 2014, however I hope that the two of you one day decide to return and finish this wonderful piece. I would love to find out more about this curse Sam momentarily researched and if Dean's intuition about Sophia is correct. And what will happen to Sam now that he's taken a dip in what may be the fountain of youth?

As I have already stated I hope you decide to continue this story one day and I hope that this review may have served as a little encouragement! I apologize for any typos or grammatical errors that may have been committed in this review and blame the potential occurrence of those on my mother tongue being Swedish.

Unicorn chapter 13 . 12/23/2015
Please please please please pretty please update this. I cannot explain how I fell inlove with your writing, you get the characters perfectly! I really don't understand how you do it, but it is absolutely amazing and your plots are very interesting, so please pretty pretty please update because it would make mine and a lot of other peoples lives and dreams for Jo and Dean so much happier.
I-Think-I'm-Adorable chapter 41 . 12/21/2015
hi.. i really love this ifc.. its amazing.. but you haven't updated in a year.? are you going to update it.? nevertheless i just want you to know that i really enjoyed this fic and you are a really talented writer.. :)
Guest chapter 41 . 7/31/2015
I absolutely love this story, and Chestervelle in general. I can't wait until you update this fic! Your writing is amazing and the plots are awesome and I need more as soon as possible lol.
DracoPotter80 chapter 41 . 3/5/2015
dearscience chapter 41 . 2/10/2015
Love this story, especially the episode format. Please continue!
Also, please note that shotgun shells are filled with buckshot, and thus produce a spray of pellets, not a bullet, when shot. ;)
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