Reviews for The Whole World is Watching
Polly Little chapter 1 . 12/21/2017
This is incredible. I barely know anything about US history, but this brought what I did know to life and then some.
Anonymoose chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
I read this a loooong time ago, but never reviewed it. I probably didn't know how. So, I tried desperately to find the name of it, and here I am at last!
This deserves so much more love. It's truly brilliant, I adored it the first time around and still do.
Marshmellows and Mittens chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
I really did enjoy this story, and I did, really, really like being able to look at the draft-dodgers in a new light, but I also think it's terribly unfair that everyone was so against this war. It saddens me that the people that did serve in this war were treated like villains instead of heroes.

I think it was kind of unfair, and while I really do dislike that people even considered abandoning their country like they did, I also enjoyed being able to see the other side of the story. Thank you for helping me see this part of history in a new light, and I just wanted to say you're writing style is very refreshing, and I have to say I really did enjoy this story.
roughdiamond5 chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
I read this before, but I just had to come back to it. Your integration of historical events with the true feel of the time with two men caught in the middle of it - it's enchanting. Part of me wonders why Matthew cares so much about what America is up to, but I suppose to anyone even remotely interested in human rights, America would be something to look down upon.

I'll be honest: my favorite part - apart from the squeal of recognition that I actually knew some of these authors, apart from the fact that I could /feel/ the frustrated revolution and riots in the streets - was the abnormal juxtaposition of Alfred as the homebody and Matthew as the revolutionary. So much fanfiction has it the other way around, with Alfred charging into ideas headfirst and Matthew following for damage control, but I find myself fascinated with this new dynamic of Matthew the jaded, passionate advocate for change, accompanied by Alfred who wants only some comfort and is head over heels for Matthew. The change makes them more sympathetic to me, and that's probably why this story - for all its history and all its beauty - speaks to me.
Viviane Renard chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
I really like how well you wrapped a love story up in a political setting. It was a wonderful read!
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
This was wonderful! I love it!
itskonglish chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
WOW. I love love loved this and just-

It's just so beautiful - I adore all their personalities, because Matthew wasn't all moe-y and fluttery eyed and Alfred wasn't all macho and impulsive, nor was Arthur posh and elegant. They all had flaws, and they were all so beautiful. As for the history content, man let me hug you! Thank you for putting so much time into researching actual history and putting together the pieces. I'm Canadian and we don't really talk about the Vietnam war so you taught me things I would have never known. As a history buff, this fic is probably my favourite right now, and the fluff and sappiness - oh dear let me swoon

Thank you so much for such an enjoyable read and forgive me for my babble-talk c
LucyWithoutDiamonds chapter 1 . 6/21/2012
I love how you incorporate poetry and history. I myself am also fond of the 1960s, as well as the other decades. History in general is fascinating. Thank you for writing such a cute AmeriCan fic.
kamitori chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
All I could think about when I read the first part was, "Why does this sound familiar? I swear I read something similar somewhere... it was a book by... what was his name? Tim? Oh yeah, Tim O'Brien! The Things They Carried!" You're making references? Aren't you? :D You'd be my most favourite person in the world if you are.

This is pure brilliance. I love how you work in subtle humour to lighten the mood; Al's inability to find Vietnam on a map is approved. And I love your Mattie and his passive snarkiness. Though, I'll have to admit, I never expected Mattie to be an activist. Maybe the other way around, but either way his characterisation's pretty cool.

You really hit the anger with the Vietnam War right on the head, y'know? Bravo. Keep up the good work!
Fandals chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Cool story, but one thing:



Lyikael chapter 1 . 11/21/2011
Just 11 reviews? Why?

This is really good; use of historical events done right, good style, character insights, deep plot, romance.

Seriously, why just 11?

Thanks for writing this!
FlygonRider chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
Wow, this story is wonderfully historically accurate, and it really captures the mood of the late sixtes.

"The sixtes was the era that was built on the moon landing, hippes, Vietnam, and a whole shitton of acid trips."

The only historical innaccuracie I can see is when they move in across from the Stonewall Inn, however it was burned on July 28, 1969. Unless you mean that they moved in across from the gutted Inn, then it would make sense. However, Greenwich Village(which was the location of The Stonewall Inn) was infact very libral compared to the surronding area.

My apologies if it seems I'm ranting, but I had to research the Stonewall Riots for an oratory in Speech and Debate. It was all really interesting, and it inspired me to start writng a fic on the Stonewall Riots.
Tamagoakura chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
Daaw, that was romantic. I feel like a gigantic women for admitting how much I liked it, hahaha. I've never been a huge fan of the sixties, but you really made me enjoy this anyway. Great story, very well written.
taiyonokaze chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
First, may I just say that I don't understand why you would be insecure about your writing when it's some of the best I've ever seen, amateur or professional. It's not just that you use your vocabulary beautifully in description, or that you have impeccable timing, or that your dialogue is wonderful, but above all you really know how to tell a story, something I have always struggled with even though I can put down innumerable beautiful but disjointed and unrelated sentences.

Also, you make me think. In all of your stories there's an underlying question - what is real, what is moral, what is meaning, or in this case "What's the point of sticking to our principles when all it does is cripple our cause?". I like stories that can teach me. I feel like I know pitifully little about modern history (or history in general - there's just too much!), but this gave me a little insight into what was going on in the US during the Vietnam War. Though neither of us was there, I feel like you captured the atmosphere of the protests really well. The only protests I've ever been in were peaceful (have you heard of Wisconsin? Best protests ever... though I wish we could have made more of a difference.)

Other notes: You are the first person who has ever made me like America/Canada, congratulations. And correct me if I'm wrong but isn't "Journeys end in lovers' meeting" a Shakespeare quote? I don't know anything at all about Marlowe, but I am well-versed in Shakespeare and I recognized that quote immediately from Twelfth Night. But, for all I know Marlowe lived before Shakespeare and Shakespeare was quoting him.

The end! Sorry for the long review! I look forward to more stories from you that I may devour them with my mind.
deleted904189 chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
This is just... wow. I love it. SO well written and just generally awesome. Definitely a favorite of mine now, and I've sent links to a friend of mine too. Keep up the good work! :D
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