Reviews for Naruto's Birthday Present
Crazy PurpleSage chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
Awww, that was so sad, but so very sweet. Not at all what I was expecting when I read the summary, but I'm very glad I read this. Thanks! Especially so since this is my first Naruto fic I've read in...not sure, well over a year, maybe two or more. So again, thanks!
Great fic!
Riderabby chapter 1 . 1/26/2012
I kinda predicted the ending of the story...And I know you know why..places and actions are clearly describe..And I find myself imagining those places in a vibrant image..let me read more of your works..Something that you think unpredictable for me..But I enjoyed reading it..and I want more..
Kenechi Mae T. Tala-oc chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
As a whole, well, I certainly like it. I like how you describe things...the simple and plain way of describing things, that is. with regards to Naruto's character there...well, I'd have to admit that I was a lil bit hard up of grasping his character.I mean, I wasn't able to easily get his character based on how you described him in your short story. But over all, its good. very nice.. it started in a light mood(does it?)and I guess.. it also ended with a light mood as well. :)
Yuko Hitsugaya chapter 1 . 11/17/2011
This story was touching. This is probably the first time I've seen a soft side of Sasuke even at eleven xD.

I like how the author literally went out of the everyday naruto storyline where no hint of the village being ninja-like was give...I was also caught of guard when I found out that Naru-kun was dead...O_O]

BUT all in all it was very touvhing...made me cry..*sniffs* poor Naru-kun...We should show him more love and appreciation...
remioromen1344 chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
awwww how sad! :/ great story, though.
NarutoShipppuden123 chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
You write really nicely. Can you write another one like this.

mAybe a continuation to this. You write beautifully.
Ninny-na chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Sad, but very well done! :D

Poor Naruto. ;;

I have a strange habit of killing Naruto in my stories.

-shifty eyes-

mochiusagi chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
That was really sweet of sasuke to do that.