Reviews for Folly of Friendship
Tofukitten chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
re: author note - torment us indeed XD (old fic, but still... XD)
Kynia chapter 1 . 3/28/2012
Don't torment me so. I would just love a sequel or continuing chapters. 3 You write so well.

You always seem to capture these two so well.
Esper of Tropica chapter 1 . 9/12/2011
AiLoveAkuma chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
;u; My chest hurts from reading such a bittersweet story! (I really hope you take that as a compliment!) I believe it was really well written and made with a lot of emotion~ I have the urge to hug somthing now! *hugs screen*
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
If I told u I would freeze my heart if u didn't continue, would u? For the sake of my all but young heart?
Volcanic Lily chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
Hmmm, if I wasn't one of the readers you would be tormenting by refusing to make a sequel, I would say go for it. But as it is, seeing as you just... left it there like that (and I do love Dent/Iris), I hope you'll make a sequel! This was really amazing; keep writing! :)

FluteHero14 chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
It's very artful. The word choice on these is fantastic. I feel like it's got some scenes *I* imagined, but with different characters and different circumstances. (Major Deja Vu.) Also, I find it easy to connect to the piece. 5/5 stars. (or cookies, or whatever.) Hooray for good Wishfulshipping! :D

PointlesslyPoetic chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
PLEASE make a sequel. Everytime I read one of you stories I fall more in love with this pairing. Makes a sequel for the fans! -puppy dog eyes-
Paranoid Panda chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
The way you write is truly engaging. I love all of your wishful fanfics and you have made me way more obsessed with them then I should be. *0* I like the way you express your imagery and emotions. :) It is your choice to make a sequel or not though... I think it can go either way. :P
remey2 chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
dude I love the way you write

I hope you do write a sequel :)
Amulet Misty chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
This is another Wishful fanfic 8D

Tsk, tsk, caught by Ash.

...ooh she heard xDD
Oblivou chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
I really enjoyed this one-shot and your work is espicially great and you've given a lot of good stories for Wishful despite the fact that it's still pretty rare on Whether or not you make a sequel to this story is up to you but at the same time I'd really appreciate if you did...too many unresolved problems xD or you could just torture your readers haha. Keep up your awesome work! :D
Poliwhirl42 chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
Very cute story! And yeah, it could go either way, with or without a sequel. I like the imagery in the beginning when he was comparing Iris's features to the "earthy soil" and "Belgium chocolate". From reading a couple of Wishshipping oneshots here and there I've actually grown to like this shipping a lot. Nice job! D