Reviews for Cassadonian Bar Talk
Magical Trevor chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
That was great! Only complaints is that there's a 'brown' where there should be brow, and two instead of too. Those were the only things I noticed wrong. Other than that... XD Epic!
Patrick the observer chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
wow i've never seen the god generals drunk... its actually quite amusing. i hope you continue this story. though i think the bar should be a reoccurring theme ( it being in the name and all) with it being a place where people just happen to meet, but not a Central theme that takes great importance but rather a place where characters will at random go to drown their frustrations and sorrows in hard liqueur and meet in random orders and intervals as may be necessary for the plot. so far i really like this story, its funny but leaves room for more serious matters. you cant leave out lukes group out now that you used him in that last paragragh so you will need to do some moments seeing what their doing and how they are reacting to the god generals. i wish you the best of luck and pray you continue this story.
Mattricole chapter 1 . 6/2/2011
I indeed enjoyed this story. Good job.
Shiroi Iyasu chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
I found it quite interesting, really. Digs deep into their character and a life far away (as possible anyway) from battles and fighting with the others. While I don't see a really good need to continue this, it could be fun to see what happens next.
Emberstar-phoenix lover chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
I liked it! Would like to see what happened to each of them when they went out. Or maybe Jade bugging Anise and the party to no end. Hehe I do wonder what the god generals would do if they saw arietta drinking. hehe.. good job.