Reviews for Stranger Than You've Dreamt It
Guest chapter 40 . 1/12/2018
Please carry on with this I really enjoyed it
Alexandra Rylie chapter 33 . 9/15/2016
new fave fic EVER! It's so awesome because I love Skillet and have both of those albums.
Sherlock's Little Detective chapter 1 . 8/10/2015
Do you like Phantom of the Opera, because I'm looking at the titles and it Really seems like it. Love the story.
kirki101 chapter 40 . 8/9/2015
You posted this like half an hour after I finished rereading. I am in awe.

Anyway, this story is a whole lot of me saying "Ah yes. Good." And I'm so glad you decided to revisit it! I know how daunting it can be to go back to something you've completely put out of your mind for years. You're a stronger person than I.

Anxiously awaiting the sequel!
kirki101 chapter 39 . 8/8/2015
WOWOWOWOWOWOW YOU'RE BACK. You can't imagine how shocked/thrilled I was to see the email for the new chapter pop up. I have no idea what's going on in the story so I'm going to have to do a reread but I just wanted to let you know how happy I am to see this story revived! :)
Kihlala Sisters chapter 40 . 3/3/2015
I love your story (-)
The Yoshinator chapter 40 . 1/10/2015
THIS IS SO AWESOME! Pleaaaaaaaaase continue this!
MissRedAndMissTaken chapter 40 . 11/29/2014
AHHHHHHHHHH (me screaming) YOU CAN'T STOP THERE! NOOOOOO! this is such an amazing rewrite of Mr. Shan's books! it saddens me to see that the last you updated was a few days short of two years...I would very much like if you continued...even though I already know what happens...I want to see more Fluff! Mr. Shan's books were great but I absolutely adore the fluff you've added! I'm sorry if you have abandoned the story...I hate to see a good writer leave a story...but I have faith in you! :) I apologize for not reviewing prior to this...I see reviews as great things however...I'm quite PLEASE! if you would continue this story I would be soooooo thankful! if you decide to stop with this NOT give up writing completely! I always look forward to reading your cirque du freak variation! (I love, love, LOVE the fluff :3 one of the best things in the world 3)
Mystiboop12 chapter 40 . 10/6/2014
Please, Please update this story. It is awesome! I am sure you have a lot on your plate, but if you could find the time to finish it, I would be eternally grateful haha! x
Mizuki6655 chapter 40 . 6/16/2014
Please please please finish this story. I know you are very busy. But please a least finish book three. Anyway i still would like to thank for the astounding 40 chapter you have written. I really love the romance between Larten and "his angel" lol. Haha it is story like these thank make utterly in love with fanfic. Any way thanks again hope to read more soon
chey7910 chapter 36 . 2/24/2014
Please please update. I love thus story!i think this one the best ones on the Darren shan fanfiction i really wish you would update! !
Creepypastagirl1 chapter 14 . 9/23/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
VampireLady chapter 40 . 6/30/2013
I am such a fan of Darren Shan and when I found this, I absolutely fell in love with this! I love Layla's character and I cannot wait until she goes to Vampire Mountain! Especially in the fourth book and they travel to the mountain and Gavner has to strip ;)

Maybe it would be funny that all the vampires at the mountain will have a 'thing' for her.

Cannot wait until the next chapter :) xxxxx
IzumiKing chapter 40 . 5/19/2013
fucking awsome! i read the whole thing in one night. and mustang is so the voice of larten :3
Saki0112 chapter 40 . 5/11/2013
You know, a year has passed. OK, maybe not a full year but there a possibility that you will post the next chapter?
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