Reviews for Dark Horse
BlazingDarkness chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
I realize this is quite a bit late, but I just keep finding myself coming back to this piece and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it. You captured the somewhat antagonistic nature their relationship had at that point really well, and portrayed the complexity of these two characters deftly. There are also some really nice turns of phrase, too. Thanks for writing this wonderful little portrait of one of my favorite duos!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
Wow! You are such an incredible writer! I am at a total loss for words!

Of all the naomi/LG fanfics, this one is definately one of the best as it stays so true to there character. Keep on writting please :)
Pen and Paper71 chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
I was happy to see that you chose to explore these two characters at this point in canon because it displays such a contrast between their roles and relationship in Second Opinion and Trauma Team. I wish Little Guy's background had been more fleshed out in the games. One minute he's part of a terrorist organization and the next he's definitely not anymore, which leads to so many questions about his motivation throughout the games. But you flesh him out well here and, while it doesn't necessarily answer all the questions, it does help give his relationship with Naomi over the course of the games some much needed development.

I really like the way you further flesh out Naomi as well, adding layers to her that don't show up as much in the game.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable read.
XxFaithfullyFallenxX chapter 1 . 6/25/2011
Wonderfully done. I just came here from one of your other trauma center fics, and I'm just as impressed with this one. You are a very good writer and I hope to see more from you in the future.
LittleGuyLover chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
O-O Oh. My. Gosh.

This was totally amazing! I've always wondered what Naomi and Little Guy's moments together were like back in the Delphi days, considering we don't get to see all that much of them in Second Opinion. Their characters were spot on, your descriptive language was amazing...:3 I absolutely loved it! Please write more for these two soon!
Ragna's Fangirl chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
Another awesome one, LGB!

This one was especially interesting to me, since I've never actually played or seen what game Delphi Naomi and Delphi Navel first appeared in, so I don't really know what they acted like. With how you wrote this and how excellent the descriptions are, I definitely got a clear picture of everything.

I guess I'll keep this review short because it's pretty much the same thing as always: Great descriptions, and I could feel the emotions of the characters all the way through.
Yuuki chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
I love the stories of Naomi and Navel in Delphi, the relationship is way different from TT.. more distant, and that makes stories way more interesting, I love it 3

Although, I don't get the meaning of the title and I got problems trying to understand some parts, I really liked your work
kadabrafreak890 chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
:) What a wonderful story. You're a great writer, I was wondering when I'd get to see something else from you. Great job.
murderousfiligree chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Yay :) You finished it! And no more 'mind feeding'! Woo! XD

Well written -applauds-. I don't fully understand the title, is it a reference to the game? Or is it that one TV trope o3o?

Anyways, I suppose I'll see ya tomorrow :p
