Reviews for Useless Beauty
darkfrozenabyss chapter 17 . 2/26/2017
Bravo! I applaud the character development and the references to the original Beauty and the Beast fairy tale. Good job.
darkfrozenabyss chapter 5 . 2/26/2017
I loved this chapter! I like what the Beast is doing for Belle, helping her learn to stand up for herself, in a way. his method, however, leaves something to be desired.
coffeebookchiller chapter 17 . 3/20/2016
I loclved your story ! You managed to give the classic fairytale your own twist and I hevn't had the Feeling that Belle is a victim of The Stockholm Syndrom thank you for your effort!
sildarmillion chapter 17 . 11/19/2015
When I read your Frog Prince and Cinderella retellings, I was convinced you were a great writer. After this one, I think you're an AMAZING writer! I stayed up a lot later than I'd planned finishing this. There was never a dull moment and I don't know how you managed to make the story flow so smoothly given the long gaps there seem to have been in updates.

I did love the idea of Belle as a bit of a simple-minded character, but I suppose it was because she was coddled so much by her family. She had the potential to become a stronger character, and she did, and you handled her transition beautifully. And all the other characters were so very well drawn too starting from Francoise to Vincent and even Belle's family, and of course the Beast.

Towards the beginning I thought there was no way Belle and the Beast could ever be right for each other, they seemed so mismatched and at odds with each other, but you convinced me of that too. So much so, even I almost wanted to cry when he breaks her heart so cruelly and sends her home! (It was late, I was binge-reading, and you wrote a very emotional happens!)

And finally, you did such a splendid job with the back-story. There was more context and better explained reasons behind why he was punished. And involving Vincent behind the reason for the curse, and then having the Beast's redemption be tied to his forgiveness/acceptance of Vincent, and his willingness to do right by Vincent and Marie, that was genius!

Francoise was very interesting in that she REALLY cared for the Beast, even though he had been so horrible to her family members, hmmm. But you did a great job developing her relationship with Belle as well.

Okay, I will stop gushing now!
Guest chapter 17 . 8/5/2015
Fabulous! -Rowboat
Guest chapter 7 . 8/4/2015
Wonderful! -Rowboat
Guest chapter 5 . 8/4/2015
I would like to say this version of Beauty and the Beast is even better than the original, it is amazing! It is well-written, includes an amazing (yet still sutle) amount of detail, and is quite entertaining! -Rowboat (I am currently not signed in)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
I like it!
J Luc Pitard chapter 17 . 4/1/2015
Interesting twists! I like the realistic way the brothers don't really reconcile, yet find a way to forgive just enough. It's also good that the Beast doesn't change entirely as he begins to love her but instead they both become more alike in ways that are positive.
fearthepigeon chapter 17 . 3/30/2015
Aw, I think that was a really good ending. It wasn't too much, which would have been slightly overwhelming, but it was just enough to really satisfy me. After I read the epilogue, I went and re-read the first chapter. It's absolutely amazing how far she's come since then, and I barely even noticed the change. Thank you for writing this wonderful story for me to read!
Fuk-Life-Sucks-Like-Sluts000 chapter 17 . 3/30/2015
I can't believe it's over! I swear I'm tearing up a little here :') the ending was beautiful!
MaryChapel chapter 17 . 3/29/2015
This was a very good story. Thank you for writing it.
Akora17 chapter 17 . 3/28/2015
This literally might be the best "Beauty and the Beast" ending I've read (pun intended). Yay for women's empowerment and a happily ever after! Well done! I am sad to see the characters go, but I guess I'll just have to come back and re-read it. Again many bravos on your retelling.
Akora17 chapter 16 . 3/28/2015
Oh my goodness... He's a man agian. I love the fact that he's still so much the same personality-wise. Sarcastic, witty, along with the new flirtatious aspect. I feel like so often in Beauty and the Beast stories the Beast completely transforms into someone completely different. I like the fact that he's still retains some of his "roughness", that paired with his newfound goodness makes for a much more interesting Beast. I also love the name you gave him. I am so happy and sad to see the ending. I've fallen in love with the story and the characters, so I'm glad to see them get their happy ending, but I'm going to miss them. You've done a fantastic job!
Fuk-Life-Sucks-Like-Sluts000 chapter 16 . 3/28/2015
Yay! He's human again! This beast is really just a big puppy! I love how well this story has worked and can't wait to read the next chapter ! :D
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