Reviews for Dalton Oneshots
Z Grilles chapter 18 . 4/10/2012
I looked for words for the beauty..I found
captindonavin chapter 17 . 2/14/2012
no need to grovel, it was lovely. and i liked you making the mom the bad-into-good gal. it was a nice touch. )
captindonavin chapter 10 . 2/12/2012
and is there a sequil that i could find?
captindonavin chapter 8 . 2/12/2012
ok, so the only reason that they workis because reed needs a center balancerand shane needs a mind balancer. that's why they're perfect D
captindonavin chapter 7 . 2/12/2012
. tis all i can do... is laugh
captindonavin chapter 6 . 2/12/2012
this drabble is so bi- polar. one min it'sall drama and insaults, the next it's filledwith sap. i love it.
captindonavin chapter 5 . 2/12/2012
ok, i now get why you all love jogan
captindonavin chapter 1 . 2/5/2012
ok, so you managed to get all threeof my most faveretest caracters in one oneshot. i mean, reed, shane, and dwight. thought where would dalton be without dwight.?
withoutthespaces chapter 1 . 12/22/2011

i wa literally bawling. this moved me so much. never ever ever give up writing.

i was a little confused at how Reed got hurt but you explained it really well at the end :)

as soon as i get on a real comp (im currently on DSI, which is extremely hard to write with...) your going on my favourites.

thankyou :) you are amazing. my sister was worried cause i was gasping for breath (crying). so glad Reed survived 3
Ana chapter 9 . 9/29/2011
Awwwww! So cute! I love this story, and I really adore the beginning with sentences as -Gentlemen, Shane's brain has officially left the building- Sooo perfect!
li'miss sunshine chapter 16 . 9/23/2011
So yeah. I think you just ripped my heart out and gave it to Rane.

Gah, that was just so sad and sweet and, well, amazing.

Post soon! :D
li'miss sunshine chapter 15 . 9/20/2011

Today is just so amazing. I just can't. I mean, Glee, Mama CP is releasing merchandise, AND NOW ADORABLE RANE? I WISH TO HUG YOU.

Post soon! :D
ReedTheDoormouse chapter 15 . 9/20/2011
LiliesAreWhite chapter 14 . 9/16/2011
Loved this chapter. You wouldn't be interested in continueing this one shot ? Because I'd love to know how their date went :D
ranebowss chapter 13 . 9/15/2011
This was PERFECT. I have nothing else to say. Just perfect. Usually when people descript the feeling of dissapointment/heartbreak, its so bleh. But you did it so perfect. I loved every second. Thank you for this
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