Reviews for Six Different Ways Inside My Heart
edwardfan111 chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
This story is so confusing, it’s all over the place, the timelines don’t make sense. I tried, got about 1/4 through it but I’m giving up ️.
MsLiss chapter 23 . 3/18/2019
Thank you
ChristyWIX chapter 23 . 1/10/2019
Not sure who recd this fic to me, but, I am really glad they did. I very much enjoyed the journey. The journey of her illness. The journey of their love. The ups and downs of the relationships in this story. The pure sadness of Maddie's death. The exuberance of Bella beating cancer and becoming a survivor. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~ChristyWIX
Guest chapter 2 . 9/28/2018
Loving it so far!
Guest chapter 15 . 9/5/2018
I love this story. I found it through The Lemonade Stand, I believe.

Anyway. So sad about Maddie. She was so full of life. But that is life, I guess. My great nephew was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was two. I'd been told that childhood cancer, especially when they're caught so young, are maybe the best kind to get because the success rates are better. Anyway, he's been through all the treatments over the course of three years and he's doing good. The doctors will keep an eye on him for the next few years but we're so grateful for his continued health.

I have to say poor Edward. Bella pushes him away and doesn't communicate with him, even though he keeps begging her to talk. And now she's actually mad at him for being diabetic? That's so rich. Okay, she's actually mad that he didn't tell her but when has he had the chance? I know he tried earlier but she kept brushing him off. Then she pushed him away, then Rose, then Maddie. Seriously, when could he have tried? Or better yet, when would she have listened? I like Bella but she can be an ass sometimes. Sorry. Not sorry, lol.
BellaTesoro chapter 23 . 8/31/2018
Thank you for leaving this story here so we readers can enjoy it.
Thank you. I've left you my thoughts along the way in the form of thank you.
BellaTesoro chapter 21 . 8/31/2018
Was this Edward's 'first" I may have missed that detail. So they have finally made love and it seems all went well.
BellaTesoro chapter 18 . 8/31/2018
As if Bella didn't have enough to worry about now she's got to worry that her illness caused them to break apart.
BellaTesoro chapter 15 . 8/31/2018
Ok, it's ridiculous that first Edward wouldn't just tell her that he's diabetic and second that Bella is all crazy that he kept it from her all this time. She's made some stupid choices 'just to save him from her illness' too.
BellaTesoro chapter 13 . 8/31/2018
I knew that little Maddie wasn't going to make it and that it would be sad, and it was. Edward telling Bella about how his parents died and his last memories of them was very sad too. Glad Bella finally asked Edward to be her boyfriend. I guess she's become brave again.
BellaTesoro chapter 11 . 8/31/2018
Why did Bella stop Edward from telling her how and why he seems to know so many people at the hospital and that her thoughts on him being sick were wrong, and Edward was about to tell her and she stopped him?! We need to know and honestly she needs to know.
BellaTesoro chapter 10 . 8/31/2018
This chapter of Bella saying she doesn't want Edward to be her boyfriend and Edward worried she's gotten another boyfriend...yeah the High School stuff I dislike...Bella is on one hand being selfless in regards to pushing Edward away but really she's being hurtful to Edward. Bella can't deal with the boyfriend thing, I get it, she's got a lot on her plate but really she was childish in the manner in which she just pushed Edward aside until he came to her and she was like, ok as long as we are just buddies we can be friends..
BellaTesoro chapter 9 . 8/31/2018
I don't generally like High School stories (go figure, since Twilight itself was a HS one) I think I just like more mature plot and character. And although we have the dances and proms and HS drama, Bella and Edward are really rather mature so it's all good. Edward being there for her in the hospital for her instead of at the dance they were supposed to be is typical this Edward. And then when he left the room as the girls were telling about Rosalie being hit by Royce and he went out and brought Jake back with him getting him ice...yeah Edward is a wonderful young man as is Jake it would seem.
BellaTesoro chapter 8 . 8/31/2018
I wondered why Edward would turn around after picking Bella up to go back to his house. His at home date was a lovely idea given the fact that she'd had a reaction to her chemo that day. Maybe she should have rescheduled it for a day she hadn't had a treatment. Having to throw up at her boyfriends house, the first time she meets the parents...well just meeting them, that alone would make me want to throw up. Edward did such a fine job planning and executing their date why did she freak out and end it earlier than she would have wanted to. Anyway I give them both credit for even starting their relationship given the timing of Bella's illness. Edward is for sure a unique young man to be falling in love with Bella during this difficult time.
BellaTesoro chapter 7 . 8/31/2018
My favorite quote is the note that Edward leaves Bella saying "...take care of my heart I've left it with you..."
This Edward is so mysterious. What is it about him we don't know, I know it's something interesting.
Alice is sweet reassuring Bella that she has no idea how much she means to Edward. And Edward telling Bella that she's 'his Bella'...awww...even better than saying she's his girl.
It's so nice seeing Bella out and about at the concert and dancing around with Alice and the rest listening to the group play their music. Angela is so lovely to extend herself as an older sister friend.
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