Reviews for The Fierceness of a Storm
Sally chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
Hi. Did you write a final part to this story line? If so what is it called? It is on ? Thanks. My email is .
KatieLyn chapter 9 . 1/13/2017
Just break our hearts.
KatieLyn chapter 8 . 1/13/2017
Well in all fairness to Jim, that was a confidential Doctor-patient conversation. And since part of it was about Jim, there really wasn't any way he could be there for it.

Leonard is amazing. But like he pointed out, he's a trained Doctor. Jim has had nothing in life to even remotely equip him to deal with this. He seems to have his own abandonment issues. At least he is trying to overcome them.

I don't understand his need to be in space, but then I am not that adventurous go go go personality type. If I were, I probably wouldn't be reading this story, I would be out kayaking on the rapids or something, lol.

I wish I could write reviews that are worthy of your stories.
KatieLyn chapter 3 . 1/12/2017
Finally. Jim needed to do this. I can't imagine how hard it is for people to go through this in real life. My cousin was a multiple amputee due to bone cancer but I was too young to know what the family and she went through facing that.
KatieLyn chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
I'm glad that there are at least two adults looking out for Spock. Jim still keeps making this all about him. He's almost thirty isn't he? Jeez. When I was a teenager I had to quit school twice to take care of my mom. She was worse off than Spock and mean and cruel on top of it. My life was at a dead stop for ten years just when it was getting started. I didn't bitch and moan about that until it was all over. I want to kick Jim so hard.
tanseynz chapter 9 . 5/28/2015
Probably the best of your serialisations because you have made both your main protagonists imperfect psychologically, and then given them everything nasty to deal with including distancing themselves from each other. I'll bet a number of Kirk/Spock lovers find this distasteful, yet showing how they and their friends are slowly and painfully working through it is, to my mind, what engrossing fiction is all about.
And I do think it's cruel you haven't provided more of a resolution than Spock kissing Kirk back when he leaves. Not expecting hearts and flowers, you understand, but some stability would provide professional closure to a pretty amazing series.
Silvanesti chapter 9 . 3/12/2015
But... Is this the end? I can't find any more sequels. I guess this can be an end, since there is some hope, but it feels unfinished. I like this story, all its parts, and hoped for more.
T'Pel chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
I just want to start by saying that you are a phenomenal writer! I first discovered your story 'My Name Is Jim Kirk' a few months ago and it was absolutely captivating. I have been binge reading all of your Star Trek works for the past few days (when I really should have been studying for exams lol) and i haven't been disappointed with a single one. I spent the last two hours of my life obsessively reading all three parts to this series. It was mesmerizingly tragic, and deceptively beautiful. You have an amazing talent with words, as I'm sure you know already. Maybe it's a bit of a long shot, since the last update on this series was in 2011, but I really hope you can update the series. It's been an emotional roller coster, and I'm not ready leave.
Marie-Iliea chapter 9 . 9/3/2014
Will there be more of this storyline?
ChernobylKrigare chapter 9 . 8/30/2013
Had you written more for this series? I can't say it's enjoyable, given the subject, but I haven't stopped reading this series since the first chapter tonight. Well done.
phantom's love chapter 9 . 5/27/2013
This series is both excellent and heartbreaking. I could totally see Spock or any vulcan reacting to the loss of any limb especially a hand that way and it is totally believable the way Jim reacts to everything.
Hope I can find the next enstallment your profile page isn't scrolling down properly for me to look through all your stories.
Kalidris chapter 9 . 3/9/2012
OMG, I just read all 3 parts of this series and I'm completely at a loss of what to say. This fic is totally awesome and I deeply hope you still plan on keeping this going on?
Blue-Eyed Chica chapter 9 . 3/4/2012
Sad jim left but he needed to go back
The Ga chapter 9 . 12/11/2011
This story is so hard to read from an emotional standpoint but beautifully written and am anxious to see where you take it.

I am a big fan of all your stories. "My Name is Jim Kirk" is one of my favorite AUs as is "Against the dying of the light".
sugarowls chapter 7 . 10/21/2011
lol - "Pike had used it himself a few times - and frequently on Jim Kirk."

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