Reviews for The Fugitive
ASiriusAuthor chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
I like it!... But...
I assume that all of our Marshal friends will be... Are they coming or is this just Backstory?
Cuz (absolutely no offense intended) I'm not really sure how this fits into the Fugitive/US Marshals universe yet unless he meets Kimble, or the Marshals start chasing him... Or he... I don't know.
This was really good! I like the presentation style. It kinda makes you feel for him. But in this case the fugitive is actually the villain. In both other movies, the fugitive was innocent. (wwweeeeeellll... US Marshals was kind of an exception...)
Anyways, I really like this intro, and I hope you do more chapters!

connorevan chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
wayward-angels chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
Great story! I really liked it. Excellent writing, it's always nice to see the backstory of fugitives before the Marshals come in.