Reviews for Across Time
Yuki Suou chapter 3 . 6/24/2013
Ummm do they have guns in ME?
puggaddong chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
ilove legolas and jess
Catherine chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Lakyata chapter 3 . 2/28/2012
Must I point out how non-cannon this is? Something around 20 years passed between when Gandalf left Bag End and when the hobbits left. Jessica's situation is assuming that these men, who are in their 30s and 40s, are unable to notice feminine features, voice, or stride. Arwen was in Lothlorien until literally a couple weeks before the Council. Additionally, she has the least experience with humans, as her brothers constantly interact with the Dunedain. Boromir and Faramir were in different units, they wouldn't be together except rarely at court.

I also have issues with the foul language used, but that's a personal choice. My one request is that you actually research the cannon if you're going to write a story following the plotline.
buzzingbee chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
it might have been a good book if you didnt use such bad language so i wont even read it.
guest chapter 3 . 12/17/2011
They didn,t have guns in middle earth
Nerdified Elf chapter 9 . 10/13/2011
like perverted much? He just felt her up. Man what is wrong with him?
Felix02 chapter 14 . 7/10/2011
So I'm basically loving this story. I know it's already too late, but I am really hoping that Jessica and Legolas get together and Kristy and Elrohir and Indi and whoever - I haven't decided with her.

This story is crazy and makes me laugh. You are writing it both seriously but mockingly at the same time and I love that.

Although, I do have some critism. The pacing of the story, especially at the beginning (between transitions of characters and actions) is very choppy, but so easily fixed. There is also a lot of grammar problems...mostly of the spelling persuasion. It's almost like you forgot to type in letters and forgot to write in words at times because you were typing too fast. Again, nothing that a quick read through wouldn't be able to fix.

I would be happy to do it for you if you don't have the time, but as the chapters progress those mistakes decrease and your writing becomes a lot more fluid. I am glad I stuck with it.

Again, I did not mean to offend because I adore your story and your characters. Especially Jessica, who is definitly the heroine...though I do love Kristy and Indi too. They are like the human hobbits, the comedic relief.

Thank you for writing and keep up the good work!
Blueberry chapter 14 . 7/6/2011
What are the names of the next 2 books? u r doing a good job including the hobbits. Most 'Ficters forget about them and just focus on the romance. Oh u should do a thingy on Frodo Sam when they leave. So u don't forget about them. :)
Metoochocolate chapter 16 . 6/16/2011
This chapter was pretty common place except for the saving Boromir part, I can't wait for the next book :D
PatonxJulia chapter 16 . 6/15/2011
Oh. Oh now this just makes things complicated. The only reason I voted Legolas was because Boromir was supposed to die. And now that he lived... I think that my vote might have changed. *Falls to knees* I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY! I have to say Boromir now, because they just work together. Don't hate me!

I loved the chapter, it was great!
littlemsstrawberry chapter 16 . 6/15/2011
I still want the legolas pairing :))))
littlemsstrawberry chapter 12 . 6/15/2011
Mareeswan chapter 16 . 6/14/2011
Well, I think it's about time I got over being a 'silent' reader and finally review your story.

None of them are Mary-sues, from what I can gather. I got to say, I laughed at the beginning when Boromir and Faramir thought Jess to be a guy. Right on! Classic writing there! I knew Boromir would end up living, especially when you added that warning at the beginning. I don't know if this story is a 'parody', though. But it does have some funny moments.

Thank God someone has decided to have an OC head off with Frodo and Sam. I don't see that very often, so I am looking forward to reading more of that little area. Also, you know what you are doing - having Pippin and Merry kidnapped is something that NEEDS to happen too cause the downfall of Isengard.

With your grammar, it is very, very good. I am very impressed! Not saying that I thought you (as a person) to be bad with grammar, but quite a few of these types of stories have bad grammar. You do, however have a few errors here and there, but if you are fussed abut them, I would have a proper beta check over your story once you have it completed. Personally, I think it is best to have a story edited once it is finished, that way you can change things, words, etc and not freak out if it affects a future chapter.

Keep up your excellent writing!

Lady Demiya
Gypsophila paniculata chapter 15 . 6/13/2011
you do the characters justice

Kristy and Jesse as siblings-

hope for more as always
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