Reviews for The Double Faced Monster
Guest chapter 2 . 1/26/2018
Hiya, I've been a reader since the very beginning that you posted this story. It had me very curious then and after all these years it still does. I love Ran and would like to know more about her, I really hope you are well.
Soratane chapter 4 . 1/13/2015
I know it's been five years and it's a bit rude to ask, but do you have plans to finish it? It has great plot and honestly if that BS you're talking about is wrapped up nice and neatly then it makes all the sense in the world. I would love it if you continued.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/1/2014
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Looking for update or any news, concered about the writers well-being. Sits down in fatal position. Tries not to cry. Cries alot :'(
At least let us know how you are doing hun'. I can't stand the wait, but if you have lost interrest in writing, you should let us know, pr at least me...sorry I can't forget about a good story quikly. I have so many questions about this fic:
Who is the double faced monster? Does it have something to do with Ran? You know, with her seeing double in the mirror? Why doe Shiki have an interest in Ran? Will Kaito ever know? Is Ran aware of Zero's past and did she know Ichiru? Are her nightmares visions that somehow have something to do with the crikes that are happening? When EXACTLY did Kaito start falling for Ran and does she feel the same or is she confused? (I ship them SO HARD). And so much more questions! I really wanna know, please let us know how you are doing and if want to continue or not. Pwetty pweasee *faints*
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
I hate to be that girl, really I do, but...
randomgal 3 chapter 4 . 3/25/2013
This is my most favorite vk fanfic EVER. Seriously you write in a style that I have never read before and I FREAKING LOVE IT. The fact that you use my favourites Kaito and Senri is so much win and I also luv luv LOVEEE you're OC. Seriously, normally I don't like oc's, but I adore youres to the point that I wish that Matsuri Hino would include her in the manga and the anime...or at least see some fanart hahaha. But seriously though, I'm really curious about the story, you make me crave for more every chapter, I know you mentioned that you rarely update but this story is just soooooo goooood :D (happy face)

My biggest apologies for the typo's: English isn't my first language '
Guest chapter 4 . 3/13/2013
ERMAGERD, UPDATE ALREADY! It's been years since the last one! D':
xTsukuyomii chapter 4 . 1/16/2012
Love it! Ran isn't turning out like a Mary Sue at all. She's well-characterized, as well as the others. Please keep up the great work and update soon!
TheAnril chapter 4 . 1/14/2012
Hi im writer to hand read in time but your story is something... very good with no mistakes,good talking about characters emotions and actions one of best that I read! very like it and wish you write more...
5daysofsummer chapter 4 . 11/23/2011
wow love this story plz update ASAP XX
auregailsinclair246 chapter 4 . 8/7/2011
I am starting to really like the relationship between Kaito and Ran, its sweet. Kaito needs more love in fanfictions! Keep it up :D
Osen-san chapter 4 . 7/22/2011
Please continue the story I like it please update soon : )
chibiwolfable chapter 4 . 7/14/2011
How come this story doesn't get more reviews! It's awsome! I can't wait to know what's going to happen next. Take you're time and good luck with summerschool lineX5!
x-Lure chapter 3 . 6/8/2011
This fic is really interesting so far. Though some of the plot could have really gone downhill, and quickly, you pulled it off quite wonderfully. I'm glad to say I look forward to reading more and I'd like to see how you work the triangle in later chapters.
Luxord's Xigbar chapter 3 . 6/2/2011
This story is so cute! I can't wait for an update, the little bit of plot-line forming is beginning to be very interesting.

Update soon!
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