Reviews for Princess Heritage
G chapter 66 . 5/4
ShadowWolf255 chapter 66 . 7/6/2019
Still hoping for an update to this fic
Darthme1011 chapter 66 . 9/14/2018
Just reread this i still love i hope that this will have updates some time in the future its my favorite Love Hina Fic i have ever come across
Amon Kashino chapter 66 . 11/23/2016
FMP chapter 65 . 10/18/2016
You still around? If so please continue this story, thanks
Lanara Bolina chapter 66 . 7/21/2016
Sat down and re-read it all in one sitting...Just wondering if you are still around. Very nicely done so far.
Johnsmitish chapter 66 . 4/21/2016
This story has been really interesting so far. Please update as soon as you can!
Word Addict 620 chapter 58 . 2/22/2016
Love that Keitaro is still awkward with Shinobu. It helps show the feelings he has for each of the girls as people, and not just sexual playthings (not JUST as sexual playthings).

In reference to Naru and braid, one thing that seems to be true in this fanfic, is never believe that something cannot possibly happen. Remember Naru did react to Keitaro's dom voice.
FMP chapter 66 . 11/23/2015
Just found this and read it in one sitting. I had no idea how much I would end up enjoying this. The Shinobu arc for example has been quite believable in its pacing. I can't wait to read more.
Midrom chapter 66 . 7/12/2015
Glad to see you are back, and I want to tell you how much I hate you... Well not really, but I wish you woud write more Shinobu/Kaolla moments...

I hope you can update this story more frequently and I hope to see more stories from you on the near future.
Guest chapter 66 . 7/5/2015
Yay you updated! Not only that but shinobou is about to get some:) I'm glad to see that this story is still alive. Im curious to see how much further this story will go. Is kitsune gonna be part of the harem as well? Keep up the good work.
The Wandering Soul of 1014 chapter 66 . 7/3/2015
I await the day when Shinobu is 'convinced' to 'tour' the Annex. Will it become official then? Who knows! Still, that would definitely add some variety to her fantasies . . .
Dudtheman chapter 66 . 7/3/2015
ahhhhhhh yeah shinobu get some! love the story thanks for the read. is it sad that part of me does not really care what happens to naru reap what you sow
FateBurn chapter 66 . 7/3/2015
Excellent like always, please continue soon.
Dragon God xxx chapter 66 . 7/3/2015
At LAST! It's my favorite Love Hina characters turn! I really love Shinobu, and personally think its a shame there aren't more fics focusing on her.
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