Reviews for Been Here All Along
Misspetarcade chapter 1 . 7/15/2014
Having read the last book, I can honestly say, that this is better than it! The way Charlene Harris wrote the last book you could tell she didn't care anymore... I am team Erik, but this story swayed my beliefs a little bit!
Gwynwyvar chapter 4 . 11/17/2012
You see the same things I see in the books. Unfortunately I think you might be right about Charlaine Harris' plans for Sookie and Sam. As an Eric fan, well, oh well. Plenty of fanfic for me :)
But this is a truly beautiful tale. I have a soft spot for Sam, even if I am pulling for the other guy lol.
Thanks for sharing this!
SapphireShelle91 chapter 4 . 5/26/2012
Sam and Sookie should be together... nuff said.

Great story!

Will you continue this? Or write another Sookie/Sam fic?

There is a shameful, terrible lack of Sookie/Sam fanfiction around and it must be remedy. And they must also end up together in the final book! They MUST!
Ejays17 chapter 4 . 4/29/2012
This is really lovely.

I've always thought that Sam and Sookie would make a lovely pairing, and they're neglected in fanfic. Even though I don't think that is what the eventual pairing will end up being in the books, youve built a very plausible case for it being so.

I also like how you have done the rest of Sam's family, they come across as nice people. Even if they're a bit doubtful over the supernatural members of the family.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/14/2011
I can't deny that this is a good story and that you write very well. But I hate thr thought of Sookie being with Sam, to me they are just friends. And the love of her life is Eric. However, the Eric you wrote as so distant and I didn't really like him. Guess your focus has always been Sookie/Sam. But thanks anyway.
craizypet chapter 4 . 8/10/2011
she should have gone for sam from the very beginning. blind child. ;) though eric isnt too bad, im still for sam!
rose antiquus chapter 4 . 7/29/2011
I loved it :)

I actually cried, I never cry at storys :'(

I really think you should write a FanFic when Sam and Sookie get together :)
SharonWillow chapter 4 . 7/25/2011
It was a wonderful story but, I feel like the ending was left horribly open!
Sarabii chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
I loved it! I just wanted Eric out of they way so they could get together! Great story :)
CharmedAce chapter 4 . 6/8/2011
I wish you would have built more into the story...but I appreciate your perspective. I'm not a Sookie/Sam fan but after CH last book, it looks like your right on target too.
PsychVamp chapter 4 . 5/30/2011
Loved this story! My friends and I are thinking along the same lines as you as who Sookie might end up with in the end. Again, loved this!
Emma Gennaro chapter 3 . 5/24/2011
Oh, I like this. Sookie and Sam's relationship - whatever its nature - is subject matter much neglected by fanfic writers. Nice to see it done well.

"This is the closest you will ever come to being a part of a relatively normal family. And I wanted to hold onto it, as long as I could." Heartbreaking line.

I look forward to the rest!
girlyj2727 chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
I really like the beginning of this story. I am enjoying Sam's family.
Anndee chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
You flip-flopped on the names of the kids. At one point they were Jake and Molly and then later, Peter and Ava.