Reviews for Love Me
Asteria chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
*cry cry sob sob* THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL OMFC JUST BEAUTIFUL. I didn't really ship Castiel/Rachel (I loved their sibling/friendship relationship) but that all changed when I started reading your fics. They're amazing-You're amazing-It's all just too perfect for words :)
wibbly chapter 1 . 8/9/2011
Absolutely superb. And so very sad.

"Love me!" Castiel saying this is heart wrenching. I LOVE it. :)
Hermione's Shadow chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
I don't know if this was your intention, but I think you just made Rachel the voice of every single fan out there. Honestly, I don't see the show surviving if they make Castiel permanently the bad guy. Too many people have fallen in love with him. I am going to do my best to keep my faith in the writers for next season, because I remember there was a time when I thought there was no way Dean and Sam's relationship could even be repaired, let alone anything close to what it once was, and yet, it is now stronger than ever, so I will keep faith that they will return Castiel to us, however I don't think that many fans are going to wait around for a long if they drag it out. I think most fans will give them the season premiere to fix things, and then I think a lot will abandon ship. I think (as much as it kills me to admit this) this may be the thing that finally breaks a lot of fans. It seems like they push us and push us just to see how much we can take, and I just hope they realize that we do have a breaking point. I'm personally still in shock and not able to fully wrap my head around it yet. Anyway, sorry, didn't mean to turn my review into such a long rant, I'm just still in shock and only have been able to talk to one friend about it, and even then we didn't do much talking, it was just a lot of stuttering and disbelief :p Anyway, bottom line, VERY well written (and I'm sobbing right along with you)