Reviews for Bitter Chocolates
Guest chapter 9 . 11/7/2015
I must say, I only started reading this whole story today, and I couldn't stop reading it! I loved it! Please please please continue if you can! Great story! 3
motherofdragons329 chapter 9 . 6/25/2014
I know its been a few years but this story is amazing. Absolutely one of my favorite I have seen. If you have the time PLEASE finish it up. Just wanted to let you know I really loved it.
Mr.Khorosho Zima chapter 9 . 6/14/2014
Hello, I have read this immaculately structured story and would like it's continuation. This is the best story with this pairing. I am looking forward to the next chapters in the hopes that you will continue it. Thank you for reading this and I appreciate the material in which I was able to read. Over and out, do svidanya, comrade.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/30/2012
Um, hello! I was reading your Author's note, and you wanted a review from any readers below the age of 18. So here, I am! I'm thirteen and books are my friends. I mean, everyone at school sees me as a bookworm and that's actually how I earned the Nick name, 'Dictionary'. Don't get me wrong, I feel put down because of the name since everyone uses me as Human Spell-Check. Anyways, I love reading. They may not be classics like Animal Farm or Of Mice and Men. Buthose ones, Hela
Guest chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
I love your story! Keep on writing. Also, I'm guessing that Marjorine gets with Kenny, huh?
whatsernnamee chapter 9 . 4/15/2012
OMG! O: I love your fic! It's perfectly! I'm speak spanish but... I just HAVE to read this xD It's so cute!

I love Stan so it's so sad for me see him like a bitch D:

And see him and Kyle fighting, but, it's okay, because.. well, I think Stan is just wrong :/! He have to understand Wendy!...

Oh, and I love how you represent Craig, he is cool! I just fell in love with he xD Good job!

I wish you still write, because this fic is awesome, I want to see the next chapter. (:!
southparklover12 chapter 9 . 1/19/2012
southparklover12 chapter 6 . 1/19/2012
la canelle chapter 9 . 12/22/2011
epic Chapter!

Hm..Let me guess Marjorine will end up with...

I believe she will end up with Kyle!


Any who update soon, epic story.
Crendy-kun chapter 9 . 12/21/2011
I never expected Marjorine and Butters to be the twins. Yet, I like the concept of it! They are so cute! I can't wait for the next chapter.

Gonna try to guess again. I'll guess Kenny. c:

Oh and in New York it hasn't snowed at all yet! I only wear 2 sweaters to school and I get very hot. Which pretty much sucks since I love the snow.
Carolinefdq chapter 9 . 12/21/2011
You live in Miami? O.O

Whoa, so do I.

What a small world.

I can't believe you updated twice today. You're amazing. Most people wait a month or two, but by then I would've lost interest in the story.

I absolutely love the new characters. I had a feeling it was gonna be Butters & Margorine.

Great new chapters.

Really enjoyed reading them.

Looking forward to the next update, which I'm hoping is soon.(:

Take care,

Crendy-kun chapter 8 . 12/21/2011
I love the beginning. The note was just so beautiful and sweet. The ending was very touching too!

Also, I agree with you about Craig being a closet romantic.

The twins... I really don't know. The only twins I know that are in South Park are Mark and Rebecca Cotswolds. Yet, both of the Cotswolds aren't blonde. LOL! I give up! xD
Crendy-kun chapter 7 . 12/21/2011
This chapter was great! I loved the part when Craig asked Wendy if he could kiss her. :D
Carolinefdq chapter 7 . 12/21/2011
Awwwwwwww this was so cute to read.

I love the moment where Craig asks if he could kiss Wendy.

I could imagine them together.

Pleaseeee update ASAP.(:

Captain and Hero chapter 7 . 12/20/2011
This is so deja vu! I had a dream yesterday, that you updated and I was reading this :O anyways... Amazing chapter! Love it!
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