Reviews for How to happily harbor a viper in your midst
Argon chapter 22 . 3/11/2019
This is GENIUS! You are the best fan fiction writer EVER. Thank you for your input in fenris/hawke fandom. Now I can’t even imagine any other Hawke in place of Erica.
FaithHopeLove chapter 22 . 11/13/2016
Oh this is awesome, so so awesome. I still can't find a better fan fiction
FatefullyYours chapter 22 . 9/27/2016
That's such a masterpiece! I was wondering… are you going to finish the story? I would really mush like for you to continue. And I am sure there are plenty of those who take particular interest in fenhawke ship. SOOo, a new chapter would be cordially welcomed:). A pity you haven't written anything for a long time, with the talent of yours I would never've stopped!
whenhesaidrosetyler chapter 22 . 8/31/2016
Please, I am begging you with every fibre of my being, please please update. I am crying,, I need an update so badly, there are no other fanficfions about Hawke and Fenris that avoids the manipulation and horribleness that is game canon. Please, please, for andraste's sake, update. I love this story, my soul belongs to it, please, I'm crying, I need an update. Its been a year, and I've been following this story since 2014. Please. Please. Please.
Lilymoon9 chapter 22 . 6/4/2016
Love love love this story! The way Fenris and his past are portrayed is beautiful and so is the witty Erica hawke 3 very well written and entertaining

Awaiting the next update on fire!
Guest chapter 22 . 1/7/2016
You're writing well! Please write again soon!
GlysMari chapter 22 . 10/12/2015
I truly enjoyed this update. It was sweet and feisty and sad and so very Fenris/Hawke. I love how you closed out the chapter. (Nice chapter title also.) "What a fool I've been to think all my ties to her could be cut just because I can't be with her." Perfect choice.
Phoenyx634 chapter 22 . 10/10/2015
Love it :D
Hawke and Fenris need to get together again and just be happy... f'chrissakes! Hehe
Emilinia-sama chapter 22 . 10/9/2015
personally, i would have used REM's Sweetness Follows for this chapter.
sensible summary, huh? ...jeeze, don't ask for much, do you? well, i guess it all depends on how cliche you want to get. like, "The sun rises; it sets; it burns; it heals; it blinds; it lights the way. So go the trials and tribulations of Erica Hawke and her grumpy elf rival/companion/friend/lover."
...or something along those lines, i guess.
on the chapter itself, it was a little jarring to go from the middle of Legacy to the end of All that Remains, but i did like the resolution for All that Remains. i do have to wonder if this will end up being a turning point for your hawke and fenris like i consider it for mine and fenris.
can't wait to see what happens next!
update soon!
Loeka chapter 22 . 10/9/2015
This is so lovely and painful and beautiful and damn you, everything hurts! But it's such sweet agony
Frazi chapter 22 . 10/9/2015
Even the yelling was endearing. That's how good this was. Kudos! More soon?
kashudoreineko chapter 21 . 9/30/2015
This story is very well written. I eagerly await more.
whenhesaidrosetyler chapter 21 . 9/25/2015
(Heavy breathing) :D *o* :) I love this so much! Ahhhh, omg you don't even know how many times I check for updates. I am so happy with this chapter the wait doesn't even matter! Omg the last sentence is going to kill me! Please don't put this on hiatus again I swear ill die. Ahh, I can't get my fenric romance fix anywhere else now, you've ruined me. You're writing has shown me how narrow the game play is and how other fics just keep it that way, now you're my only hope for fenris getting the love he deserves. Ahhh I love this so much I don't even have the words :) 3
Flaminea chapter 20 . 9/25/2015
I'll start by saying that I started reading your story yesterday, kept on until 4 o'clock in the morning, and resumed today first thing. So it should be obvious how much I enjoyed it!

The first chapters are downright funny, and yet you manage to model your Hawke into a three-dimensional character. That's a rare combination, humor easily ends up being "empty" if you know what I mean. Nevertheless, Fenris romance is, by its own nature, somewhat tragic so I was wondering how you were planning to channel that tragic touch and keep the humor traits up at the same time. Turns out you used Fenris' nature itself, and damn, a perfect choice!
In short, Fenris and Hawke's relationship is wonderfully written, it really tastes like "real". Like something that could happen in RL. Sometimes it looks like every bit of Hawke's personality get together through Fenris only, but I guess that's what happens when you're falling in love :)

However, Anders' appearance and proposal seem a bit rushed. Yes, I know, it's not that different in the game, but since you kind of "rewrote" Fenris and Hawke's romance maybe it could have been worth a try to give Anders too some more depth. Maybe insert some more scenes with him, something which could backup better his proposal: especially considering that your Hawke doesn't even tell him to not resist and he kisses and propositions her anyway.
Another scene I would have like to enjoy, would have been Hawke and Isabela's clarification after their almost-fight.

I hope you're open to criticism, and I gave you my piece of opinion withouth any pretence. That's just my feeling as a common reader.

Keep writing! I can't wait for your next chapter!

PS: I happen to have written about Hawke and Fenris too ;) If you were willing to take a look to my "Resentment" and leave a feedback I'd be glad.
Night of Shadows' Embrace chapter 21 . 9/24/2015
Wow, speak about tense. "and then Hawke started to get ambushed by the Carta assassins". Well, I wonder how the next chapter will pan out with these fine folks. Sigh, I would say "just kiss and make up already!" but I know this would be so much better with Fenris and Hawke's awkward duo.

Glad to see you're back!
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