Reviews for First Instinct
Guest chapter 8 . 9/10/2012
this is a great story, hope you finish it:)
Guest chapter 8 . 7/6/2012
At the beginning I got TRAUMATIZED, but then I really enjoyed the fic! Yo should DEFINETELY keep on writting, I want to know what will happen!
Purplehonor chapter 8 . 1/15/2012
This is great. You should really finish their story. I can see Santana getting a call, figuring out where N is and watching the two of them together... N and K start their own little family and then maybe find an abanndoned wolf pup or something.

I like your writing style - to the point description, meaningful dialogue not a lot of flowery stuff. Good job please finish.
Wolfworrier911 chapter 8 . 10/16/2011
Awesome story! i like you story its good... could ya keep going please? :D
scorpionika chapter 8 . 9/18/2011
Great story xD So much conflict, drama, slow romance... yay! As for the future, I dunno...Puck could be a zoo caretaker (contact with animals plus night shifts as wolf - with Kurt who overcomes his painful memories with Noah's and a terapist's help x) or have some physical job, Kurt would get help and eventually like the wolf self of his lover too, the pack would be visited more frequently as the years go by and Noah Junior grows up (familiarazing himself more and more with his dad :), the police's investigation leads them nowhere...(dunno how, I bet there are tons of DNA where Kurt and Noah stayed...but maybe the building accidentally *cough Puck cough* burns down? Or police could find a tape with something on John L and see Puck and Kurt as victims?). There are so many possible endings *_

I can only hope for a happy ending and HEA for Noah and Kurt _

eb012203 chapter 8 . 7/16/2011
Wow. I really hope you continue writing this fic. I love it and would love to see how it ends. :)
Shere'Lifsil chapter 8 . 7/16/2011
Beautiful story, really beautiful, emotional turmoil and romance, it is perfect. I really like it very much and I wonder how the investigation will progress, well, not really interested in the investigation, more in how they're going to stay out of it. I really love this and though I have no idea how you could finish this I'm sure you'll think of something wonderful.

Good Luck Writing,
crazycookBekah chapter 8 . 7/2/2011
I love it. Please write again soon.
ForTheLoveOfDarren chapter 8 . 6/27/2011
Oohh interesting. Loved it :)
Utena-Puchiko-nyu chapter 8 . 6/27/2011
Good chapter!
congotandsja chapter 8 . 6/27/2011
I love this. I just... It's awesome.
Lady Babette chapter 8 . 6/27/2011
Great work. Love the progression.
DustyDreams chapter 8 . 6/27/2011
I keep waiting for Kurt to make tea or something, and the whistle to set Puck off. That wouldn't end your story, so much as prolong it, though. Maybe that's intentional. I love this story. It's one of the few AUs I've chosen to read, and I get giddy with every update.
Simca chapter 8 . 6/26/2011
I think that the end should be full of hot, salvage sex with toys, bondage, change of positions and everything xD So to Kurt erase the bad memories with werewolf-puck rape-sex, they have to have a really good werewolf sex. Everything put together would be the best final! Sorry I could not think anything better, but everything they suffered had sex, so to get everything right, should be fixed with great-hot-salvage-sweet-intense sex xD
JasonDragon64 chapter 8 . 6/26/2011
You never disappoint, Ptera. This chapter was excellent. I truly didn't expect for Kurt to be able to handle sex so quickly after his trauma, and seeing how much pain both men were in with that was very true to life. As to the detective questioning Kurt and Puck at the end... I do hope they manage to get away with this. Neither needs to deal with the fallout, especially if the cops are as close-minded about gays as they often seem to be.

The interactions were very powerful, and Burt seems to be quite supportive. Perhaps, he can offer Puck some on the job training as a mechanic to help the young man with the job issue... Would also relieve some of the stresses on both men so they can move forward. I'm quite certain it's not the first (nor last) time a werewolf works as a mechanic... Jacob Black springs to mind... although if Burt were to learn about the pack, he might feel differently. Looking forward as always to your next chapter.
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