Reviews for Paige Potter: The Deathly Hallows
LeanneJordan chapter 9 . 6/20
D.J. Scales chapter 5 . 12/5/2019
Wow that was epic.
D.J. Scales chapter 9 . 9/23/2019
What an amazing adventure
Padfootette chapter 9 . 4/22/2018
Loved it amazing story
Ali chapter 9 . 2/26/2012
A great ending to a great series. I was surprised at first at how short the stories were, but you didn't seem like tu were rushing and got everything icongrats on that. Overall, i really loved this series. Wish we coulda seen Hermione and George at King's Cross though. Oh well.
LoveLikeElena chapter 9 . 7/10/2011
Aloha! i hope you're doing well. I just read the last story in your Paige Potter Series! It was really awesome! Are you going to write a story about Paige and Harry's kids at Hogwarts? And I LOVE Paige's daughter, Alice! She seems like a real sweetheart! I would love to read stories about their adventures at Hogwarts! My favorite part of the epilogue is when Paige scolds Harry for giving the kids the Marauders map and then he gave Albus the invisibility cloak! That was awesome! I can't wait for more!

God bless
Guest chapter 9 . 6/28/2011
i think im gonna read the actual books now, wait sleep first 'cause i wont sleep until i finish them all, and i can't find my copy of half-blooded prince so that could take awhile

-troubled pen
Guest chapter 9 . 6/28/2011
i liked what you did with the story, so much so that i stayed up until 6 in the morning just so i could say i finished them in one sitting... but thats just how i roll.

-troubled pen
Mrs. 11th chapter 9 . 6/21/2011
I'm still crying! I love this ending, and I like how you've still got the "All was well" at the end. *sob* Oh, I'm getting the keyboard wet (again). I'm off to re-read this series (again). Also, I really, really love this series. It was a joy reading, and Paige is hilarious! Also I really love "Now who wants to see me scare some little kids with my face?" I cracked up at that. I'm really gonna miss Paige!
Mrs. 11th chapter 8 . 6/21/2011
*sob sob sob sniff sob* The ending of this was so sweet! I'm still crying a little bit. But I do have a question: Where's Ginny? Not that I don't love Luna/ Harry MUCH more than Ginny/ Harry, but I was just wondering. Also RIP Ron! *curls into a ball and starts to cry again* Great writing! It really is a brilliant story.
Maggs chapter 9 . 6/17/2011
WOW! I have read every single one of the stories in this series and Wow describes them. This series was fantastic! :)
BloodyRoseScribe2 chapter 9 . 6/16/2011
Bravo. This is a sad, yet intreging twist to HP and the Deathly Hallows. I loved it all! 3
Angel N Darkness chapter 9 . 6/15/2011
awwwwwwwwww... you did a great job on this chapter... love it... and wow talk about too many names to keep straight... lmfao... love it...
Guest chapter 9 . 6/15/2011
Harry was married to GINNY, the girl that Teddy is dating(Victorie) has BLONDE hair, RON NEVER DIES, and where was HERMIONE!
LacytheSilverWolf chapter 9 . 6/14/2011
That was a perfect ending, babe. Truly wonderful. You did a fantastic job. *pauses* Okay, now that I'm done sounding like Remus, I'll go. Bye! Oh and ALL WAS BLOODY NOT WELL JK!
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