Reviews for Bricks
juniper81182 chapter 24 . 10/1/2017
While reading this I had 3 songs by Hurts that Will could sing to Rachel. They are Somebody To Die For, Some Kind Of heaven, or The Beautiful Ones. The songs are from their cds Exile, Surrender and Desire.
Guest chapter 24 . 2/16/2014
I know it's been a long time since you updated this but I hope you didn't give up on it. I think this story is great and has a lot of potential.
lesa.blazer chapter 24 . 1/12/2014
Please continue
NothingWithEverything chapter 24 . 2/26/2013
Wow, there's so much content in this chapter :D

I can't help but always laugh at every conversation with Santana. It's so hillarious.

For me the main highlight for the story was the talk with the two sets of parents. Especially this question
"But be honest; were you two together before you came here?" I think it's going to be really weird if they didn't even think so and I'm glad you brought it up. The part with Rachel not wearing underwear kept me giggling though XD

And oh my god THE CAT. And this sentence "Your mom is quite something," and this "Well, she is sort of mine too, Rach," I don't even understand why the cat really got to me but it just did! Probably because it's a possible replacement for a baby and I always go crazy everytime I get a tiny bit of sign of possible source for drama.

Somehow Lima's big shots were now an unemployed former teacher and a -possibly- college drop out. That thought scared the hell out of them.
As you already know I am a big fan of your last sentences :p this particular sentence just made me realize just how far they've come. Their relationship progressed wonderfully, but on the other hand their individual lives didn't. It actually gave some kind of reality to the story, because it's impossible to have too much of a good thing.

Also, that last talk about college. The word that went through my head was "FINALLY" because these two really liked to delay talking about important albeit negative/sad stuff :p. I'm now really looking forward to when they will have a reunion with the old glee club members.

I've stopped watching Glee unfortunately. I really don't like the way they're doing the show currently. And unless they go back to the way they were in Season 1 I doubt I ever will again. But I can't move on from Schueberry, and I can't move on from this! :( Hope you will someday update again.
arsto chapter 24 . 12/2/2012
Hope to see more soon.
jess733 chapter 24 . 4/25/2012
I really like the was this chapter ended. I really like this whole story. :)
DoubleBubble96 chapter 24 . 4/11/2012
This was a great chapter. I can't believe I took this long to read it. It was funny, suprising and supportive. I like how you brought Rachels dad's in to the story. I wasn't expecting that. I also love the phone conversations between Rachel and Santana. They crack me up all the time! Anyways, I'm interested to see what the future holds for not only Rachel but Will as well. I hope you update soon!
JPElles chapter 24 . 3/18/2012
There's always more to learn. For broadway. Coreography, light and set stuff. Than just the general knowledge stuff people like to take. Like fencing, etc... for general knowledge of parts you may get.

Anyway interested to see where you take the career and possible education of Sherry going forward.
thelovelybuttercup chapter 24 . 3/17/2012
Okay, I have no idea why I am so behind on reading and reviewing, but I just wanted to say that this is such an adorable update. I love how supportive their families are and want them to be happy. It's so nice that they can be themselves with them and not have to worry about parental backlash. I absolutely adore how cute Will's mom is, treating the kitten like a Grandchild. I hope that they feel better about their situation soon, an upset Scherry is a sad Scherry. :) Overall, excellent update!
Rainedonmyparade chapter 24 . 3/7/2012
PINK KANGAROO'S! haha I laughed so hard and smiled so big when I read that part...LOVED IT!

I really liked this chapter...I love how sweet and cute Scherry is in this story! Rachel's dads coming was a huge surprise and I couldn't help buy giggle when Rachel took Santana's advice and decided to go commando...oh how funny!

It's great that Rachel's dads seem to get on well with Will's parents and I loved seeing them all interact with each other...was really good!

I really love this story, it's so lighthearted and warm and so much fun to read...I can't wait to see what happens next...oh and I love Rachel's phone calls with Santana, I hope we get more of those too...Santana is just great in this fic...maybe she might even make an appearance at some point?

Anyways excellent chapter...can't wait to read more! :)
gLeekedOut chapter 24 . 3/6/2012
Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens next!
JPElles chapter 23 . 2/8/2012
Great chapter as usual. I Definetly Look forward to what's in store for our happy couple.
NothingWithEverything chapter 23 . 2/1/2012
Okay, first of all, how did they plan to practice the duet IN THE SHOWER? (dirty mind's going to weird places) anyway, onward to my review

I love everytime you address the Schuester family as "The Schuesters" or "Schuesters" it gives the feeling of a close relationship, it sounds better than "Will and his mom and dad," or "Will and his parents,". "Schuesters" addresses them as one and considering the lovely relationship of the Schuesters, it really fits. I love the way you tell the story of the Schuester family. We don't even get to see a lot of them on the show, I can't even remember their face or who played them lol. Oh, and Martha and Sebastian are so much like Will and Rachel! Cute! Bricks makes me so happy and giddy everytime I read it lol.

Lately you've been writing Sherry as Scherry, what caused the change? (not that I have a problem with it, they're both lovely)

Also another thing to mention is Scherry's revelation of Will's condition, I was definitely nervous of how the elder Schuesters would react but so glad they reacted that way, Scherry definitely need a lot of support in this hard time. Scherry often avoid talking about serious matters until they really have to so sometimes that's kinda irritating, but I guess it's okay because a lot of people seem to do that. Although ever since I've been reading about The Berry dads and The Schuester parents reaction to Scherry, and Puck's, I've always wondered how the rest of the Glee Club would react to Scherry if they see them in person. (or perhaps even Sue?) Is there any chance of us reading the reaction of the Glee Club members?

As always you continue to surprise me, as I definitely didn't expect Scherry to get a hotel room in the same city they're living in because they're too hot for each other! PRICELESS! And the taxi scene, hah! hillarious! They really should act better if they're going to go to Broadway haha.

In summary, as always the chapter's awesome! (as I've said so many times you're probably bored of it) But I'm really curious of the progress of Will's condition, I hope his unemployment won't last too long, and I do hope the next chapter won't take as long as this one, because I can't wait for the next one! and the next, and the next, and so on. Keep up the good work!
Coconutters chapter 23 . 1/19/2012
Great chapter, lovely! Although I think it's a little unrealistic of how welcoming Martha and Sebastian are to Rachel it was still sweet. So happy to see your update! :)
Rainedonmyparade chapter 23 . 1/19/2012
This chapter was really great and definitely worth the wait! I loved the interaction between Scherry and his parents! The Rachel in this story is soo cute and I love how enthusiastic she was to meet his parents! Will's mom and dad are great and I can't wait to read what happens with them in the next chapter! Will and santanas phone call awas great, I don't know why bit I love seeing the interaction between those two in this story!

Great chapter Sweetie (as always!) can't wait to read another update soon!

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