Reviews for Here To Stay
sigal5 chapter 4 . 9/5
Kate gave her heart to Josh? Nay. She is the one and done type girl. I think her heart belongs to Castle and only Castle. So I disagree with that part.
castle2126 chapter 17 . 10/13/2019
So that's it he just forgive her. Because there is no one who can prove that Castle did anything wrong and she breaks his heart in to pieces and she acted like cold hearted and if Castle had done something like that to Backett everyone including his daughter had treated him badly. Fucking faminism and mentally of narrow minded people who can't even see how she treated him like trash and then also he took care of her that night. HE DESERVES SOMEONE WHO PUT HIM FIRST AND DOESN'T HURT HIM THAT BADLY. BACKETT DESERVES EVEN WORST IN THIS STORY.
castle2126 chapter 6 . 10/13/2019
The way Backett was fighting for her relationship with josh, if she fought for her relationship with Castle in Canon it would had been a different story. And why is she blaming Castle for her relationship that Castle didn't tell her surely it should have been through josh. Backett is a selfish bitch and self-absorbed girl who deserves what she got.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/10/2014
Becketts a bitch.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/8/2014
Kate's a selfish little bitch.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/27/2014
REALLY!? All of that castle suffering and you end it in fluff? What the hell.
madcloisfan chapter 17 . 12/4/2013
Loved it
Coolmon54 chapter 2 . 3/17/2013
If I was Castle I would have got Esposito and Ryan involved with the breakup
centava chapter 17 . 12/23/2011
Overall, it was a good, angst-filled story, though I have to admit to just skimming much of the case narrative since it didn't seem relevant to Caskett, at least until the end.

I'm disappointed that you didn't give us a proper kiss at the end-cheeks and forehead? Hmm...the incomplete I love yous were fine, actually kind of sweet, but to deny us a proper kiss is just wrong...just sayin'.

I hope you'll write more stories.
RGoodfellow64 chapter 17 . 12/20/2011
I liked this story and wondered when it would be finished. Was a bit surprised when you changed the name but I think the new one really fits.

The interesting premise you had of Josh walking away and telling Castle but not Kate did leave quite a few doors open for the story to follow and the door you chose made for a powerful story.

I'll be honest and say I wasn't as interested in the case as I was in the story of Rick and Kate, but I liked how you understated their getting back together. It just felt like them.

So rest, enjoy the holidays and then...write! I liked you story and want to read more. :-)

I apologize for not writing reviews earlier but I don't usually read stories till they're completed, I never know when I will run into a cliff hanger... ;-)
1477166 chapter 17 . 12/18/2011
Aaaawww very sweet conclusion :') I loved it! Hahahaa that last line. We can dance, until we dieeeee. Gotta love Katy Perry lol.
Caskett.of.course chapter 16 . 12/10/2011
Ahh ! Finally ! :D

It's too short :( But really good ;)

Please update soon :)

docvap chapter 16 . 12/10/2011
OMG, I can't wait to see what happens next! :)
catethewritergirl chapter 16 . 12/9/2011
update soon please this is really good. i hope the next chapter has more of castle and beckett tho...
1477166 chapter 16 . 12/9/2011
Yusss! YUSSS! Haha I was hoping there'd be some form of contact between Caskett by the time I got to the latest chapter! Aaaahhh please update soon! :D
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