Reviews for Aura Rising Trilogy Book II: Shaman of Blue Flame
NietZane chapter 12 . 5/12/2019
Gah this was nicely written wasn't jarred out of reading by anything had a generally nice flow to everything that kept me interested sad to see it last updated in 2013 tho was hoping for more
IrishDreamer4 chapter 7 . 5/9/2017
Awesome work! I love to see more of Cavalier!
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 10 . 6/14/2016
That's so sweet. Loved that last scene.

Giovanni was a good battler, nice one.
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 8 . 6/14/2016
Nice one.

Poor Lucario doesn't seem to catch a break.
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 6 . 6/14/2016
Keep it up. Blaidd using Psychic was awesome!
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 5 . 6/14/2016
Nice work. That prophecy must have taken a good amount of time to sound as good as it did.
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 4 . 6/14/2016
Oooo sore spot for Lucario there. Nice touch, but did he kinda insult every other pokemen there by the way he spat it out? Seems a little odd.

Professor Oak a wee bit unhappy about this adventure. I wonder if Gary knows how his father died.
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
I don't think it was OOC. Pretty good actually.
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 2 . 6/14/2016
Oolala I love it when an author creates and intwines their own lore of something into a story. Your Dark/Shadow Aura was cool.
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
Good first chapter. Loving the sequel so far.
stardust902 chapter 12 . 3/9/2016
great story, please update soon :D would be a shame to leave unfinished...
HyperspaceGamer chapter 12 . 12/23/2015
I know it's been a rather long time since this story has been updated, but all I can do is hope that it will be updated eventually, the sooner the better. And as for the story, it's amazing just like the first installment to the trilogy, if not more. I love the lore and prophecies and cryptic messages that you presented in the story thus far, and, with everything I've read, this story (or rather it and it's prequel) have definitely made it up to somewhere around the very tip-top of my favorites. If you do continue the story, as I do hope do, then all I can say is keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/10/2015

Hey Gwen, long time no see. Had it really been 2 years since I've last reviewed some of your work? Even when I revisit your work, it still remains flawless in every way... much better than I could ever do. :P ( I've always hated writing class all through
SilverWhiteDragon chapter 12 . 4/11/2015
...arhflgahfkglhafgjl DAMNIT. I wanted to see Ash's fight. Didn't quite care about the evil ppl, lol...
HopefulHelpful chapter 12 . 1/12/2015
This is the start of a great series! But I see that you haven't updated in a while, but have updated another story recently... So are you still writing this one? Because it's amazing! Let me know if you still are workin on it. Thanks for the good read!
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