Reviews for Free to Fly
notsofrilly chapter 6 . 7/12
I'm really getting the Ender's Game vibe. I know that you said that that book will be your inspiration
notsofrilly chapter 2 . 7/12
This is soo painful. They are right next to eachother
derkhj chapter 11 . 6/7
loving this story! can't wait for you to update. will Vader ever discover who Like is?
LostMyFreedom chapter 6 . 5/26
The crack AU of an AU was amazing. I’m dying here.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/8
Actually decent, wiuldnt mind seeing it continued since its rare for an above average premise to be executed competantly
maryg92844 chapter 11 . 5/5
well, i enjoyed the story.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/27
That last bit between Luke and Vader was so hilarious I cried while laughing! Can't wait for the next update!
NCStampede chapter 11 . 4/23
This is really good! Please keep up the updates!
SaphfireFlame chapter 11 . 3/21
So, stumbled across a rec for your story in a list of Dad Vader & Little Luke recs, and wow! It does not disappoint!

I basically devoured this, and part of that time I was definitely supposed to be working (oops!). I adore little "Skee-Waka" and his constant annoyance at being unable to make himself understood. Your Romanesque slave structure is interesting and well written into the story, without having to put in blocks of explanation. Lt. Jir is a treasure, and I love Darth Dad over here being all "this is NOT my child... I will definitely remember that he's currently into a game where he raises a digital bantha."

Following this story, because it's too good to miss any new chapters!
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 11 . 3/20
This is fantastic and excellent and I am greatly enjoying it! Thank You so much for writing this! :D
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 6 . 3/20
I love this story, and I love the different layers of the social Dynamics here!
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 5 . 3/20
This is great!
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 3 . 3/20
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 1 . 3/20
This is fantastic, and I am loving it! Thank You for writing this!
gatogirl1 chapter 11 . 3/16
Wow, this is lovely. Especially the Basic vocab growth Luke has enjoyed- I loved his conversation with Zev to show how much has changed! Thanks for writing!
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