Reviews for The Little Sleeping Slices
raorie chapter 6 . 5/8
I love how real this story is. Jane's character feels so understandable to me, yet also frustrating and irritable. I love it. The Joker is introduced in such a way that I haven't seen before. Idk man, this story makes me feel so many things and I find myself itching to read the next chapter.
Mariposa Noir chapter 14 . 4/11
There are always amazing readings that one casually encounters in this maze called FanFiction. This is one of the cases.

I have a long time since I first read your story, but I had never dared to comment. Maybe it's because I don't know how to express how much I liked it. I always come back, and I find myself rereading my favorite moments, enjoying the mess Jane is involved in.

I love everything: your writing, the dialogues, each original character, each character that we already know and how you bring it to life, the little details and even the music you recommend, ah it's just perfect.

I love Jane, I love her prudent decisions and also those that are not. I identify with her a lot.

I love how you managed to get the Joker to have an attachment to Jane without leaving his character, keeping him so mocking, smart and sadistic.

You deserve all the readings and reviews of this world. I will continue reading this story and its sequel whenever I need to, because I never tire of it.

What an amazing and refreshing job. Well done!
gwensunny chapter 14 . 12/16/2019
This was SUCH a good ride. I can see myself rereading this in the future. You captured jokers character really well
PaulinaDragona chapter 14 . 12/16/2018
I like your fiction !
D9XDCHW chapter 14 . 2/26/2018
Ok this is the best fanfiction that I've read up until now. There's this one thing that kind of irks me, the books... he never gave her the books.
ssllmj chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
I must say that this is probably the best fan-fiction I have ever read. It is actually the reason why I created a FanFiction account - I really wanted to review this one. I hope you'll keep writing the sequel, for I am indeed curious about what is to happen next. A very mature story and plot. I admire the fact that Joker is very much in character and that he doesn't abduct Janie (I like this pet name very much), as it happens in every other Joker fanfic. There is so much to this story, that, at some point, I said to myself 'Wow, they should make a movie after this!'. Of course, the missing of the main actor would definitely be a problem, but, seriously, this is a very good book and you must be a very smart person to come up with this. I noticed that you're into literature and rock music - I admire you for that too. So, anyone who reads this, I promise you will not be disappointed!
FeeKee chapter 14 . 9/3/2016
Ok, where to begin...

I've been looking for a good Joker fanfic lately and I found it in your story. Just by chance I found it, while checking out the page of someone who had favorited, and the summary intrigued me, so I though what the hell.

As soon as I started in on chapter 1, I was completely and irrevocably hooked, and I knew I could not stop until I had read all 14 chapters. Yep, I sat at my computer for a little over 9 hours yesterday reading your absolutely amazing, emotional rollercoaster story. I am a sucker for long chapters.. I laughed, I cried, I bit my nails in anticipation. I just could not get enough of the burgeoning romance between Jane and the Joker.

Obviously I have not read the sequel yet, but I really really really hope she and the Joker can be together again. Can't wait to see how that goes with HQ in the mix. That would make me absolutely ecstatic with joy!

Ok, I think I got it all out.

Damn good job on the story.

By the way, I think you wrote the Joker perfectly.

Oh, and sorry for the extremely ridiculously long review, but as you can see, I had a lot to say. Cheers!
Anna10473 chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
I can't believe that I never reviewed your story before! I read the first chapter awhile ago and loved it! Such detail and I appreciate the long chapters!
Lucykins chapter 14 . 8/25/2015
Okay I have to agree with the other reviewers. This is by far one of the best Joker stories on this site. First of all, you are a phenomenal writer. You're inventive, intelligent, funny and I just love the way you bring your personal hobbies and favourites into the characters.

This story is great read! The characters are exciting. I loved Jane, a lot. I can't help it. I love reading about intelligent pretty women who have the ability to bring every powerful guy to their knees. It's my bread and butter - and you've written that perfectly.
One thing, though - I have been reading Joker stories none-stop for the past month (summer break?) and I did see the description for this story many times before and still decided to skip it. (maybe it's just me.) so I'm not really sure what to say but this story deserves a lot more favs and a lot more reviews since it's really one of the top stories here. Perhaps the description could be altered! but no matter...
Also, I usually get frustrated with these stories when the characters go back and forth making up their mind about their future and such. I guess in this story you built Jane in such way that it's understandable. I have to also praise you for your DC canon characters' portrayal. It's actually the first time that I found Victor Zsasz likeable. Anyway... I see that you started a sequel. Well I'm gonna go ahead and dive into it! Ciao!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
This Is one of the most well written amazing stories I have ever read! ! And I'm not really a joker fan. Again major praise, had you owned copyrights for these characters and this where a book, I'd have bought it. Probably more then one copy to make sure I always had one!
YoursAnnie chapter 14 . 10/28/2013
I love your story, it's wonderful!*** Great work:)
Joker's-L0ver chapter 14 . 10/11/2013
Okay, why does this story not have like a million reviews? Because it is, by far, THE BEST Joker-romance fan-fiction I've ever read! Honestly, I didn't even feel like I was reading a fanfic, it felt like I was reading some romance novel that had made it to the New York times best sellers! I ain't even exaggerating! You are gonna go places my friend!
NaughtyLittleKitty chapter 14 . 10/1/2013
This was amazing! I couldn't stop reading it for a second... I loved it!...I'm so glad there's a sequel!
arcangeldjr chapter 14 . 9/11/2013
This was terrible and wonderful and absolutely brilliantly written. I lived it and it made me angsty because well, how can a Joker-mance not have angst?
Looking forward to the sequal. Keep up the awesomeness.
The Dark Heroine chapter 14 . 7/2/2013
I loved this fic. I love Jane, and her personality - I found it very believable, and... to be honest, who could blame the Joker for being attracted to her! :D But... yes, superbly written. I'd like to see more, either with Jane, or just finding out more about what actually went on with her and Batman. But yes, excellent portrayal of the characters, although... I'll admit one of the only flaws being that I found Bruce a bit... overly friendly when he "first meets her" xD I'd love to see some more Dark Knight based stories from you, if you're writing them though :) And... good job! :P
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