Reviews for TF Prime: Return of a Sin
Dragondrawing333 chapter 46 . 12/25/2018
That was an increadible ending! I wasn't sure how you would have been able to end that success fully. If Selena had retreated back to the Decepticons, it would've felt like she was an absolute bad guy, no longer the "Villan with a golden heart" and we would have all hated her. If she had decided to stay with the Autobots, it would have felt like not only a HUGE breach in caracter, it also would have felt like a copout, what with all the blossoming romance, and the tight freindships found among the Decepticons. I was dreading this final chapter because i was certain, to avoid the problems i listed above, you would kill her off, and i am emotionaly invested in Selena. But, despite all the odds, you pulled off an ending that not only felt like the final battle with the tesion of a Marvel movie, gave great closure, but also kept Selena a "Villan with a golden heart", a sympathetic bad guy with humanity, despite her mass murderous tendancies. The only problem i have with the entire story, is that after losing her memory, and becomeing buddy-buddy with the Autobots, she stopped feeling like Selena, her hatred of the Autobots was so intragal to her being, she can't be Selena without it. This was my first foray into one of your stories, and will certainly not be the last. Keep up the increadible work!
Dragondrawing333 chapter 10 . 12/22/2018
"The emu says YEAH!"
Dragonfire prime chapter 19 . 11/20/2017
I seriously have no pitty for ratchet
Majur Wulf chapter 7 . 5/12/2017
it is smooth criminal just fyi not important really
Devaedra chapter 45 . 4/28/2017
Fantastic story! I'm starting to read the sequel immediately.
Than-Guan'Rose chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
This doesn't sound like the autobots, autobots believe that all sentient beings deserve a right to freedom, this is how decepticons would act.
pokemonjkl chapter 46 . 12/24/2015
Once again sorry haven't Review for a while school the exams are hard thanks for this chapter And have A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

See you next time.
nightmaster000 chapter 46 . 11/29/2015
Sad to hear this fic is dead. I enjoyed reading. But i will respect you're decision.
Guest chapter 61 . 11/24/2015
That's a nice story. How long get to ending?
mchap1154 chapter 61 . 10/22/2015
My hate for Silas grows with every chapter he participates in. I wonder how the future will turn out next. Keep up the awesomeness.
RubixPsyche chapter 60 . 10/17/2015
Ooh wow, it's been so long since I read this
I didn't have an account before (I did before this though, just not this one)


I hardly like OC fanfics but this? THIS I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO

Kirake chapter 60 . 10/12/2015
Another glorious chapter! Im really into that deadly game between Selena and Megatron and this chapter is really well put together, you continue to impress me with your writing skills. *cheers*

Well, I honestly have to say that I forgot all about Arachnid, haha, and the thought of the incoming battle. Not really sure who would come out on top, but I guess that's a good thing, right?

Keep up the amazing work! Can't wait for the next good read! :P
The Mollusk chapter 60 . 10/4/2015
Amazing story you have here. Yes Im new, but reading this from the very beginning to now has shown me how you improved as a writer in such a short period of time. Points to you!

One being that you have managed to cover so much ground, character building and plot while still breing in the first canon season! Holy Cow!
Two, because you have a BELIEVABLE oc in a huge universe. Introducing such a new element is something I always wish for in a story but never seem to find someone that is relatable.
And Three, having such a perfect blend of canon and your energetic AU is thrilling. And how you're portraying Selena in these last few chapters is personally my favorite. Would love to see some more Selena/Megs interaction on that game. Keep up the ground breaking work, I truly do enjoy reading your stories!


-The M.
mchap1154 chapter 60 . 10/1/2015
Oh jeez, their is a s*** storm coming! and only a few people and bots are gonna walk away alive. Keep up the awesomeness!
PS. If Arachnid met Selena before she lost her memory, they would have been like BFF's
Candy456 chapter 59 . 9/10/2015
Hope you get better soon GradGirl2010
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