Reviews for House Calls
KillgarraghForever chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
Cylon One chapter 3 . 9/30/2011
Should I have put magic blocking fluff instead of sapping last time?

That more accurate?

Anyway, great update.

I liked how the Doctor reacted to the word ‘somepony.’

Very much the same thing I thought of what he said about it.

Whatever the order it’ll go in, I’m gonna like his meeting the other ponies after Rainbow Dash.

Princesses included.

I see there’s one thing now known about the unknown alien intelligence behind the ‘snow’: They’re body possessors.

Unless Spike and some ponies have been keeping secrets, know what I mean?

It was great at the end with the classic reaction to the inside of the TARDIS by Dash as the first pony for it.

Only hers included checking out the light and the windows on the outside.

Now it’s off to Canterlot for the Doctor and Rainbow Dash for the next part of the adventure.
Cylon One chapter 2 . 9/14/2011
Well I think it's safe to assume that what brought the pony-fied Doctor to Equestria has to do with that magic-sapping fluff.

Is it something new or familiar to the Doctor that's behind it?

Find out when it's time for that revelation.

Cool the first pony to meet the Doctor is Rainbow Dash even though saw it coming.

And I mean that in a positive way.

I look forward to next time.
Cylon One chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
It's a good start.

Wonder what brings the Doctor to the ponies' world?

Random stop or picked something up from there?

I'm excited to find out.

As well as his meeting the particular ponies I'm sure you know that I'm referring to.

From the look of it the first one will be Rainbow Dash.
Devil's Flambe chapter 2 . 7/26/2011
This sounds great. really cant wait for more.
spyrolink chapter 2 . 6/25/2011
This is intersting, keep going