Reviews for Had To Be You
Guest chapter 3 . 7/9/2012
Oh nooooes, poor Harkness. The 'malfunctioning' fear is really brought to light here. :D System override, kehehehe.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/9/2012
Geh, yet another AWESOME Harkness fic. The numbers, the temperature reading, so CONVINCING and real. Gaaaah your characterizaaatiiioonnnnn *grabby hands*

I love that this is sorta like in their awkward!stage. The agitation speaks volumes.
leaky.oven chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Espanglish chapter 3 . 5/2/2012
Aha, another Butch/Harkness fic! There's so little of them, it's sad.

I really like this so far but noticed it hasn't been updated for a while. I hope you update soon, you've written it really well.

*sits and waits patiently*

Marque chapter 3 . 10/11/2011
Oh man, this chapter was so good. :) Can't wait for more!
RustyPaperclip chapter 3 . 8/29/2011
Uhhh... this is so, so good. I feel dizzy reading this. Such a sexy scene. I love the cigarette kiss. *_* I agree with Anne. Butch is so Tunnel Snake and Harkness is so confused. I am so excited for the next chapter. Your story and pacing is excellent. Love this.

- Rusty
Anne Apocalypse chapter 3 . 8/28/2011
Butch-man, you broke Harkness. :D

I'm really enjoying this. Butch is so Tunnel Snake and Harkness is so. . .confused. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Anne Apocalypse chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
This right here is some of the best Butch smut I've read.

And I read a lot of fucking Butch smut.
RustyPaperclip chapter 2 . 7/19/2011
Hello, NoisyKid. Thank you so much for continuing this. *_* I am so happy, right now.

I love how Harkness is such a bada*s. I mean,he's already cracking his raw knuckles in the first line of the chapter. Plus, he broke someone's fingers while catching the fist aimed for someone else. Ack.

I am enjoying how he reacts to his own thoughts of Butch. It's quite exquisite, actually. All these violent whims he has. How he is mocking himself. I like it.

Then Butch gets punched. That's just awesome. On top of that, he gets denied! AWESOME. :D But, seriously. Poor kid. Love the way he propositions Harkness after being punched by him. Very endearing. The dialogue is so well-done.

Also, I really like how you tie the title into this chapter.

I am very excited for what you have in store for them. :D

Thank you for writing this, NoisyKid.

iSeeMe chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
Don't listen to people who say this was awkward, because THAT is all that is on your mind in a situation like what Butch was going through.

I like this story, you grasp Harkness' android facts well. Butch is good, too!


Besides, I look forward to more chapters.

Woot69 chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
Wow, this story is hot! I'm hooked! Excellent writing, pacing, characterization, story idea - you're awesome! Please, please update soon! :)
Woot69 chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
Wow, this story is hot! I'm hooked! Excellent writing, pacing, characterization, story idea - you're awesome! Please, please update soon! :)
Yarn chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
:) :) :) thank you.
RustyPaperclip chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
NoisyKid. I love this so hard. So, so hard. I think I read this five times in one sitting because it was so charged. Yes. I love this premise.

I am totally in love with the short striptease Butch does. Totally in love with the way Harkness reacts to Butch's advances. Butch's nervous tics are endearing. Harkness' data is also very nicely written. This part: 'Harkness stood awkwardly in the middle of the room trying not to stare at his hand and its fading warmth. 89.2º F... 89.1º F...' Love it.

The kissing scene is exquisite. Butch's beautiful solo scene is also exquisite *_* gjkgfdfgjhgk Gave me shivers down my spine. So lovely.

Also, this chapter ends in the best way.

You mention that you have written more chapters. Erm... may I have them, please? :D
Zanicka chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
I shall keep this short and sweet.


that is all.
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