Reviews for Drenched
agmdnat chapter 1 . 3/23/2018
beautiful and heartbreaking
Kyam Cullen chapter 36 . 6/30/2014
Im actually crying... :(
Monique chapter 28 . 5/21/2014
I think I have read this story a bazillion times and this chapter ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY. HOWWW?!
melbelle330 chapter 36 . 3/2/2013
That was lovely and sad and perfect.
nightcaller chapter 36 . 2/28/2013
MagTwi78 chapter 36 . 2/28/2013
Beautiful, beautiful story.
nightcaller chapter 20 . 2/28/2013
so sweet. not ready for the sadness though I know it's coming.
nightcaller chapter 8 . 2/28/2013
I was beginning to wonder if he was really interested in me, as the easy banter hadn't translated into any physical contact at all. But then again, I was curiously reluctant to initiate it too; if I touched him, I might find out he wasn't real.

I love this.
nightcaller chapter 2 . 2/28/2013
saw this in the Dusty group. I don't read slash and I hate drabbles but this is really intriguing, nicely done and I'm here. Thanks ;)
cinnafluff chapter 36 . 9/16/2012
Your story was beautiful, loving, and heartbreaking wonderful! Thank you
Greermahoney chapter 36 . 8/11/2012
Rita01tx chapter 36 . 6/9/2012
Tragically beautiful love story...cried my heart out, just like all your other readers!
firetotherain3 chapter 36 . 11/29/2011
Thank you for sharing your gift of writing. This was a truly beautiful story. Your two main characters were such a wonderful example of the power of the human spirit. They showed the kindness and love that should be shared with our loved ones. This story made me smile and moved me to tears. All of the great works evoke a strong response from it's readers. I look forward to reading more from you.
x.keepingthemoon.x chapter 36 . 11/10/2011
wow, that was the saddest thing i have ever read :(

beautifully written though, thank you!

Melbi chapter 36 . 11/10/2011
That was the most beautiful and saddest thing I have ever read. I cried my face off for the last half. Amazing.
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