Reviews for The Factory
kimjo2 chapter 7 . 11/1/2015
How to kill a doctor...not sorry to see him go. Great action story. Loved how you tied in other characters. Thanks so much
beulah2013 chapter 7 . 12/22/2014
Please do! Really enjoyed it and would enjoy more!
Cosmic Empress chapter 7 . 7/3/2013
XxD3V1L-ANG3LxX chapter 7 . 4/5/2013
Really awesome. Love badass Sheldon XD
Lalana-chan chapter 7 . 6/29/2012
I normally don't go for so different AUs, but this is good.
Frust-sheep chapter 7 . 5/24/2012
Wonderful epilogue! I really loved this and the story, but I think you know this already. *lol* Anyway I loved their talking here and you showed brilliant, how this "universe" and the tv show or their tv show characters fit. I loved how you put it together and I enjoyed every minute to read it.

"I may post random adventures" Oh I would love to read more of this universe. :D

Thank you so much for writing & sharing!
Frust-sheep chapter 6 . 5/24/2012
This story is really suspense-packed. I loved that. Poor Leonard, but I really, really loved in this chapter Doc's and Huskers part. *aww* Oh yeah, you two make so much sense. :D

Anyway amazing chapter!
Frust-sheep chapter 5 . 5/24/2012
"...he smugly noticed that Rani was definitely the most beautiful woman present" "It took a few seconds to realize that the plain, frumpy blond next to him was Husker" "You're so beautiful, Rani. He said sincerely, if a little randomly"

I was judgmental as I read this lines. *shakes head again at Leonard* ;) I like Leonard, when he is not with Penny (and no, it is not just because I ship Shenny), but I feel always this from him, if a beautiful woman is near him and I think it is sad and superficial. Anyway I think what you wrote is very true to his character. ;)
Frust-sheep chapter 4 . 5/24/2012
"She let me!" *I just shake my head and roll my eyes*

I loved especially Lassie's lines at the end and of course always the talk and the behaviour of the Doc and Husker. :D
Frust-sheep chapter 3 . 5/24/2012
"Won't they figure out that you don't have a PhD?" Leonard asked. "I could go with Husker." OMG, I laughed like crazy, as I read this. :D Oh Leonanrd, you really have no idea. ;D Priceless!
Frust-sheep chapter 2 . 5/24/2012
Ok, sometimes I was not sure, if I was right with the name and the character name. *lol* Anyway awesome chapter again! :D
Frust-sheep chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
I already just want to say, that this is a really awesome, AWESOME story! *favs*
OnceAWriterNowAReader chapter 7 . 4/4/2012
I am so glad to see this. I had thought of a similar idea about this time last year, and even had a banner maker do these: bit. ly/HV3RSD

It was gonna have Sheldon as the spy and Penny as a burlesque performer, and was going to have the administration Sheldon worked for using tarot cards as a form of communication, but I got frustrated and could never make it work, so I just gave up. You did so much better than I could have ever hoped to do, and this was just amazing! Thank you for sharing this. It's so great to see what I've wanted to see for so long, but couldn't do. :-) Great job!
Chylea3784 chapter 7 . 2/5/2012
Excellent story! Thank you for sharing it!
RevDorothyL chapter 7 . 1/12/2012
Oh, I DO so hope that you're inspired to write some follow-up adventures some day. I ADORED this, in all its quirky, dark, Leonard-terminating brilliance.
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