Reviews for Redefining Soul Mates
Guest chapter 7 . 10/3/2018
Yack, no normal family would make a baby the speaker, Carlisle is the leader, Edward is the eldest son and 'crownprince- speaker', Renesmee is a mere child, off to be shipped to her husband, do not overestimate a 7 year old naive girl. You are delusional. Also this high class party is a shame, 'you gonna be the coolest girl for the rest of your high school career!' pff, imposter shallow rich kids without soul - areas marked for non-vegetarian? You suck
Guest chapter 4 . 10/3/2018
Cullens really need One of those books Friendship for Dummies: rule #3 if you're friends with smn that doesn't mean your friend wants to be friends with your other friend, nor he is obliged to suffer from common gathering. Don't ask you friend to hang out and show up with another friend, it's like bring one bride to a better wedding and say you are actually marring another girl. Duh... Why would even school friends be invited, they are noone, great snacks though!
Debbie Hicks chapter 21 . 7/4/2018
2. the bn EEElena was biotten theen with theeem theeen ssshe attackede m ee theeen suddeenly b itten me with hik wwwwwith Alieeen rattlesn le theeeeeen aAAB itten assdults then wsith force theen us wwwith Pregnan t best frieeends bitten them Voloturi you Elenas with her will die with her sacreams with m y ssc ream s
PenPal3 chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
Please write more
Gabrielle04 chapter 19 . 2/14/2017
Oh my gosh. I am so so happy to have found this and the prequel! It is amazing! I am in love with the world you have added to and created. Thank you for sharing this with us as a community. You have a wonderful talent for developing characters and scenes. I am thoroughly impressed and just want the next chapter, the next sequel! I want to see Jacob and Renesmee become even closer, watch the other imprints develop their own relationships and definitely know more about the other shape-shifters! What an amazing concept! Truly inspired! Please continue writing! I would love to read more and continue the story! Thank you again for such a marvellous creation and superb writing! Love G xx
pookaboo17 chapter 17 . 6/3/2015
Hey I grew attached to your story and I was wondering if you were going to finish. If not please tell me how it was suppose to be end. Lol
ObsidianDraconis chapter 17 . 10/17/2014
Ok so I skimmed this last chapter to see if I'd like to really read your story (sometimes what others may really like just aren't for me) and I was wondering if you planned to finish it? I'd really love to read this entire story but as you haven't updated in over a year I didnt really want to get drawn into it and it not be completed. :)
MewTheConqueror chapter 17 . 1/20/2014
I swear, if you don't update soon, my brain might over compute. I need more awesomeness! I feel like a word-vamp, addicted to the metaphorical taste of words.
Zheeba89 chapter 17 . 7/24/2013
Haha, I liked the ending!
It was a good chapter, the writing is good, as well as the plot..
I have nothing more to comment about actually! So I look forward to the next chapter!
Alphabloodwolf chapter 17 . 7/7/2013
I thought the Alaskan clan were used to humans
missionarycook chapter 17 . 7/7/2013
Really good chapter.
MayFairy NLI chapter 17 . 7/7/2013
Loved this chapter! Garet and Lemuel are super cute. And Braden's plan sounds good, provided it works! Can't wait for more. :)
Anne Shirley Cullen chapter 17 . 7/6/2013
Yes I agree with Tanya. I so enjoyed this chapter. Looking for to the next chapter.
Zheeba89 chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
Wow! I was captured with the first chapter of your first story; A different kind of love! So I just had to read and read and read! And now I've red the last chapter there is at the sequel! I want to read more!
The plot, the characters and not last your grammar and your writing style is really good! I really don't like those who don't write properly if you get me...

Though I really like your story, I have to say I reacted to how Alice can see past the wolfes and Nessie when she is in the same room, I mean to remember that she couldn't see a thing if she was in the same room as them...but I sure can be wrong though...
I also miss to hear about how Quil was doing after the injury...

And also other minor stuff that I can't remember, so it doesen't matter that much...
I really like your Jake/Nessie pairing and how their realationship is developing, so I'll look forward to more from you! Hope you haven't quitted it!
And lastly, sorry for my bad language/grammar, english isn't my native language...
spazy drama queen chapter 16 . 3/28/2013
update now please!
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