Reviews for I Freaking Love You
Priyodorshini chapter 1 . 3/24/2018
Wow. Just amazing . You know I've read thousands of stories about how Rose's heart breaks because of Lily but now every time I read some heartbreaking because of Lily I read this story and I feel so damn peaceful man. It really made my day . Not to mention those all sexy and hot scenes ;)
aylody chapter 1 . 11/18/2014
see, this idea was quite good. and it's presented well enough. but I don't think the matters with Lily would be written so.. simple, like that. even if Scorpius love Rose and just Rose, he still cheated on his current girlfriend who happens to be the cousin of his affairs. The ending was quite bad. You could have explore more but I do get the point on Scorpius and Rose relationship. I just don't think it will take Rose one full years to her to come back to Scorpius. If she comes back soon, maybe Scorpius wasn't with Lily. And I LOVED the scene when Draco watched their little affair and having no though about that at all. Seriously, it's just very awkward to picture both scene when Draco happens to show up when the two were fully snogging. And I do love Rose/Scorpius/Lily triangle love but I don't like it quite well when Lily having the bitch role neither Rose because I happen to be ONE BIG SHIPPER Scorpius/Rose.

But Anyway I liked the story, well enough! :D

AND I'm sorry to tell you this in here but seriously, I get shock when I read one of your story; Because He Loved You. It's really got me on shock to the point I didn't intend to post review because that's just half way what I really want to review. So I guess the extension of my review there will be put in here. Please forgive me for this, seriously.

review for Because He Loved You;

Anyway. I'm still to shock to even realize I haven't comment on the story yet. This is so bloody heartbreaking yet wonderfully written. You really bring Rose emotion so bloody amazing in one way and another. And I though this is going to be a happy ending piece and I don't overlook on the genre anymore and just read. So I feel like, really heartbreaking right now because of this piece of story.

the Idea was nice and tragic yet beautifully dark and all. I had read about Rose becoming a victim of an abusive relationship before, but she's not with Scorpius, though. Scorpius saved her. And when I read this.. I just don't want to imagine Scorpius that way because I love him so much and I love both of them so much to have an ending like this. But seriously, the feeling of both of them are presentable wonderfully well! good job :D
DavidYurman chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
Devious story ;)
iced teabags chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
Brilliant! I love all your stories, keep writing!
ever afters chapter 1 . 12/16/2011
Cherriesxoxo2496 chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
I love this!
22orphan.accounts chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
Hey, you! I missed your stories! You give RoseScorpius a special hint of love, passion and hate at the same time. They're even more amazing when you write them.

So, basically, I'm reviewing to compliment you: this story was as good as the others; maybe better because I love the secret 'relationship' thing.

Also, I'd love to read some more stories from you, old or new.

Will pm you, but this was awesome indeed!
Fabulous as FCUK chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
Pretty Cool


yet again chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
Lol :) poor lily
Cunning and Ambition chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
I liked it, of course. :) can't wait to be home and work on our ff