Reviews for Music, Magic, and Instability
Lady Moon Shadows chapter 5 . 4/15
I miss this story so much. I keep holding out hope for an update...
Aimee chapter 1 . 11/24/2018
Just finished it again.
Still my favourite twi-fic. If it wasn't for this Fic,
I don't think I'd be reading any FanFics at all anymore.
I love this story and I hope your okay.
Caressa26 chapter 41 . 7/26/2018
I just binge read this story and I absolutely love it! I don’t know when or if you plan on posting the next bit, but I’ve added it to my alert list. Wishing you the best!
BrownEyedFluffyOwl chapter 41 . 6/6/2018
No no no! I can’t believe I didn’t remember that this was incomplete before re reading :’(! It’s been 6 years but I truly hope you complete it! Hope you’re ok xxx
julieide chapter 40 . 10/5/2017
Please finish this fic, it's so perfect!
Thank you so much!
babylou23 chapter 41 . 9/28/2017
Aww y did u stop here, I cant believe I'll never read the end. This is great story well done.
Cullen's fan chapter 41 . 8/28/2017
Cant wait to read more
Lady Moon Shadows chapter 41 . 5/29/2017
I hope you find some inspiration soon so you can come back to the story soon.
BellaLaila87 chapter 41 . 5/8/2017
I think I speak for everyone when I say I wish you would continue this story! It's brilliant! I remember when I first it in 2012 I loved it. I just stumbled on it again and I am still waiting for the end. Please, please, PLEASE update. The begging will never stop
nix69 chapter 41 . 2/18/2017
I hope that one day you find that you want to come back and finish what is an amazing story!
nzjojo chapter 41 . 2/17/2017
Your story is so close to the end that I hope you've had time to find some inspiration to finish it. As you've seen from the people out continue to review, we all would just love the story to be resolved. This story is fabulous. I really enjoyed reading it. I hope that you surprise us all and I get an alert in my mailbox with more chapters. Your story is worth the wish :)
Guest chapter 41 . 12/28/2016
Hi Christine,Pls don't mind but don't leave your story like this.I'm waiting for its ending patiently since 4 years
Rob Smut Lovers chapter 41 . 8/18/2016
This is honestly one of the best Famousward stories I've ever read in all of TwiFic. It moved quickly and evenly from scene to scene and the dialog was very good. The character development was perfect and resulted in like able characters. Even when they were being 'difficult', you knew they'd persevere. Every chapter ended at a good place and the misunderstandings and missed opportunities didn't feel overtly contrived. This last chapter stopped at a very sad place for the entire family and even Emmett, I'm sure.

It's heartbreaking to think that this story has been abandoned. It's been rec'd on FB by a few groups and despite being warned that it was never completed, readers still jump in because we appreciate good writing.

I hope that you return to it some day (or give it up for adoption - pun intended), so that we can watch Edward redeem himself and Lucy and Mason can grow up two cool, loving parents. I know your readers and fans of the story would appreciate it so much.

Thank you. -RoseE. x
Aimee chapter 41 . 7/22/2016
I love this story so much. It's my favourite, it's so well written and I love your Bella. I come back and read it again every 6 months or so. I hope one day you come back and finish it.
Guest chapter 41 . 7/18/2016
Need to know what happens plz do another chapter
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