Reviews for If Wishes Were Horses The Story of James Wilkins
Rosemary Tarleton chapter 10 . 9/19/2012
Wonderful! I am sorry to see it end, but it was fitting. You've freed Marybeth with no more harm done and she can finally be happy! Finally be loved! :-)

Lovely ending to a wonderful story!
JScorpio chapter 10 . 9/17/2012
Ahhh...what a nice ending. Good things come to those who wait, eh?
Six of Twelve chapter 10 . 9/16/2012
Wilkins fragging Tavington. Yes, I can easily see that happening and there was enough of a hint in the movie to draw that conclusion.

Sorry to see this story end - I'd thought there would have been a few more chapters before the end.
Loves History chapter 9 . 9/5/2012
Whoop! New Chapter! This one was great. It was tense and you really brought it across that Tavington was not just a crazy, physco killer, but he was mentally ill. What I really enjoyed was the very normal situation that Wilkins arrived home to. My cat brought a live bird home once and it caused pandemonium, lol. But this was great because Wilkins was at the end of his tether and his family have no idea about really made the whole situation more...human. Well done! Looking forward to more!
Six of Twelve chapter 9 . 9/4/2012
Interesting perspective; to show Tavington as being being genuinely mentally ill, rather than just being a garden-variety SOB. And the late 18th century was a bad time to have a mental illness. Basically, the only mental illness that they even had the foggiest understanding of was depression, which they called "melancholia". Other mental illnesses were simply lumped together under the umbrella label of "madness". If one could more or less function with the daily tasks of living, they ended up like Tavington. If not, they ended up in one of the hellish insane asylums of the time, worse than any prison. I am on tenterhooks to see if Wilkins can get everyone to safety before Tavington comes to rain on their parade.
JScorpio chapter 8 . 6/8/2012
Wow-I didn't see that one coming. Although I should have known that Tavvy could change that easily. Poor Mary Beth, but good that Wilky was there to help! What a plot twist!
Six of Twelve chapter 8 . 6/7/2012
"That bastard son of a ditch-born drab!"He cursed.

- Best line of the chapter. So descriptive and quite correct for the time period.

Story is coming along nicely. I hope you post the next chapter soon because I can't wait to see Tavington's reaction when he realizes she is missing.
Loves History chapter 8 . 6/7/2012
Great chapter, but seriously, OH MY WORD! I never thought Tav would stoop so low. Poor Marybeth! The one she wanted was taken away from her. It's a good thing, though, that Wilkins had the guts to get her out of there! Now I'm wondering who the Fuller brothers are.

Update soon :) (though, I totally understand the craziness of life)...
dreamsnhugs chapter 7 . 2/28/2012
I absolutely love this story! Can't wait to read more!

We need more realistic James Wilkins stories!
Kimmy chapter 7 . 2/17/2012
Glad you're still writing this, because it's a great story. Missing scenes, and the life of a character that was seen very little in the movie but you knew had an interesting life story.

Thanks for the Firefly homage, it was sweet!

And I hope Wilkins finds some kind of happy ending, we never see what happens to him in the film after the final charge.
JScorpio chapter 7 . 2/6/2012
Lots going on in this chapter. I can't (and don't want to) imagine Bordon in drag-ew! Love him much better in his uniform but the ruse worked. I love Wilkins thinking about his children-and other men's. Is he going to leave or stay? If he leaves, he will be a deserter and I can't imagine Tavington letting him get away with it. Run fast, Wilkins!
Loves History chapter 7 . 1/20/2012
This has to be my favourite chapter so far! I had a good old chuckle at it - just thinking about Bordy in that lace cap, LOL! Poor Wilkins, though, being jaded by Mrs. T! Perhaps Wilkins will find another pretty lady who'll make him happy - one that doesn't come with a severe warning on the tin!

Update soon :)
Jr chapter 6 . 12/25/2011
nice i like it and look forward to reading more
JScorpio chapter 6 . 12/21/2011
"I've been a fool," Tavington muttered. Yes you have, William! I am glad that he and MaryBeth have come to an understanding. I hope he doesn't break his end of the bargain. He finally appreciates her-I hope it isn't just an act. But now what of Wilkins? I don't think MaryBeth will be able to put out the fire in her heart for him that easily.

I'll stay tuned!
Loves History chapter 6 . 12/10/2011
The Tavington's united front on the "heir" issue could spell huge problems for Wilkins and his affair with Lady T. I wonder how she is going to break the news to him, and more importantly - how is he going to take it!

I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for what's coming next! :)
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