Reviews for throw my pride into this fire
stars shine out chapter 1 . 6/20/2012
Beautiful, I'm so glad you gave them a happy ending. Brilliant!
QueenOfTheDiamondDogs chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
OMG! That was the sweetest story I have ever read! From now on I am shipping Teddy/Lily! :D Amazing story!
howlsatthemoon chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
- "shut up teddy, just let me have this." that's gorgeous and it's just so lily that i can't even.

- i have this weird thing where i love stories about people running away but yeah, that's wonderful. plus her knowing aberforth? um, can i say, lily is like really fuckin' cool.

- the ending's just too amazing for words.

- and it's too late (or too early...? i dunno, either way i shouldn't be awake) for my mind to properly conjure up the praise that this fic deserves (but is severely lacking in) so i'll leave you with a oh my god i love this i read it over and over and my dignity half in tact.
ladymacaroni chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
for some strange (and good) reason, this oneshot managed to tear me up even though i dont usually tear easily :P

this story. .reviews.

The-Hufflepuff-Death-Eater chapter 1 . 6/25/2011
This is one of those stories where I fall in love with it, then I look at the reviews and say: Wait. What? This should have fifty reviews. You characterized Lily perfectly, and Teddy's Hufflepuffy indecision, and them finally getting together was just-argh. Perfection. Go. Write more.
squeakyswings chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
I love this. There are some really really gorgeous lines in here, and I adore your characterizations of Teddy and Lily. It's all extraordinarily pretty, and appropriately angsty, and the ending is adorable and perfect and precious and I love the constellation idea so much.