Reviews for Dumbledore's Apprentice
Buccaneers1 chapter 2 . 6/30/2015
Fox face was from district 5
Aztec Moustache chapter 10 . 8/12/2013
sup! cool story bro. im happy for ya and imma let you finish but finnick odair had the best swimming skills of all time. OF ALL TIME. sorry i just had to do that. and couldnt draco just apparate away?
Gamemaker John chapter 2 . 7/26/2013
This is a great idea! Can't wait to see the other ten contestants.
caty0707 chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
Wow o for owsome
caty0707 chapter 9 . 8/29/2012
Paige Mellark-Lynch chapter 9 . 8/5/2012
this is great and no harryxkatniss it all has to be PEETNISS! and add Cato the sexy beast
Cupcakeluv0711 chapter 5 . 7/30/2012
Cupcakeluv0711 chapter 4 . 7/30/2012
Johanna Mason
Cupcakeluv0711 chapter 3 . 7/30/2012
Guest chapter 2 . 7/30/2012
Btw love ur story so far
PenMagic chapter 9 . 5/10/2012
Looks like a great idea, it's completely original, I've never read anything quite like it. I cant wait for the next chapter!
Lieutenant-Jensen chapter 9 . 4/30/2012
I cracked up reading the last group.
lalala445 chapter 9 . 4/30/2012
So funny and can't wait for the drama!
Funshine Tonks chapter 8 . 2/26/2012
Hmmm... I think Peeta is going to get fired, Katniss is going to have to quit, they go back together and the rest carry on the show... That was my best guess, its not very good though, cant wait to read the next chapter!
theLibrarianWolfy chapter 8 . 2/25/2012
Hmmm... Well well well. Wonder why I have shown up? ;)
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