Reviews for I want you BAD
Miss Murder' Smile chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
OMG they tape them O_O ...blackmail ! well it was funny XD
Ninjapotato chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
you seem to have a real knack for giving me nosebleeds!
krazykoalakarla chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
really good XD
Dakfish chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
This story was brilliant :D 3 it so hot and awesome :D I can only imagine what would have followed it there were more lol but I can always try to imagine it all and be full of glee and happiness.
bleachfreak13 chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
dang XD that was awesome
My secret love chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
omg from the beginging i totaly though grimmjow was going to be seme! haha it was good tho!
Hallowed Heart chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
This story was good, but I feel it could've been better. I think that you shouldn't have switched between first and third person. The switches made the story jolty and a bit confusing to read.

I also think that Ulquiorra didn't really act like a seme. He acted more uke-ish. I have a really hard time seeing Ulqui as a seme (Hell, in my mind anyone and everyone can top him!).

But, you had an interesting idea. I honestly think that you have a lot of potential. Just keep on writing and you can only get better!


p.s. I've read your other stories too and I love 'em to death!
inominatenoname chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
Thanks for deviating from the norm of high school fics of 'em-Ulqui's in charge! Hehe silly plotting friends!
ChidorixCixBritannia chapter 1 . 6/28/2011
its ADORABLE! please please PLEASE continue! its a wonderful start!