Reviews for First Date
Lilly The Omega Wolf chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
Amazing story. Makes me really want to see what happens next :)
RPM Shadow chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
LOVED it! Loved it sooo much!
taito123 chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
Hello! I really enjoyed your fanfic however I didn't like how you put Kari thinking of Davis but at least you didn't bash Davis directly and had him accept their relationship. Kudo's to you for that. Nice fanfic.
crestoflight3 chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
That was adorable! I loved how the interactions with the Digimon were, as well as the references to the other characters, particularly Davis. The first date itself was cute and innocent, and could actually fit well in canon if Takari were real.

The only problem I see is the change in go suddenly from TK to Matt to TK to Kari back to TK...and Davis...and the DIgimon...the other characters' thoughts are marvelous, but you need some way to separate them from each other; otherwise, the reader becomes slightly confused. Usually, a bar line of some sort works well at delineating the change in setting/character. Just something to think about! Great job overall!
Mimi Kido chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
This was a very nice one-shot! The Sorato scenes were very cute as well The one thing I will criticise on is Kari being annoyed at Davis. Maybe she was like that in the dub but in the subbed version, she was kind of clueless to Daisuke's crush on her too and she respected him a lot as a friend. I loved how considerate Takeru was of Daisuke liking Hikari. That sounded like something he would do. I like how you had Daisuke slowly accepting it, maybe you could write a one-shot where he moves on and finds his own love interest, it would be nice to see him find some happiness too. But yeah, very nice one-shot it's given me confidence to read your multi-chapter fanfic now.
final-zangetsu chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
love it
LBanime chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
I think you write awesome an did explain some things very well

but here are the critics that Davis character was a bit changed so he just somehow thinking something else...wasn't like him. And somelittle stuff...but overall awesome:D
major wallace chapter 1 . 2/26/2012
Lord Pata chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
Okay here goes my review.

I have to say this is one of the best Takari fics I ever read.

Quite in character with extra points for Davis being happy for them and mentally wishing them good luck

Loved Gatomon and Patamon's interaction. For someone who doesn't believe digimon can have a relation beyond friendship, I have to say that they weren't that different from TK and Kari. Just a few tweaks here and there and they would have been on the same spot their partners were dwelling about what they feel for each other XD

You showed how Takari can be done in a way that it doesn't looks like a perfect couple, with the right amount of fluffiness and leaving it open even for the readers to get their own conclusions.

Great work on this one my friend. I'll check your other fic now. :)
Linkandzel chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
nice quaint (i think thats the correct spelling) story with just the right amount of fluffyness that is hinted at witht the show.

keep up the good work
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 7/5/2011
A good, sweet fic. I enjoyed reading it :)
Hibisha chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
So was it a date or not...?
Kal-El Fornia chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
This story was one that I can quite easily say I enjoyed. Very few times can I say that a person's first fanfiction was a good read or well written, but in this case I can indeed say that this was worth reading. I myself wrote my first fanfiction the other day, which like yours is a Takari, and I can say that I hope my work is on the same calibur's as yours. Bravo.
RockyRoadSmith chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
Ah, that was just so sweet! I really love how you wrote everyone in character and the interactions were just too cute! I really liked how your wrote Davis' reaction to seeing the pair, as well, because most people write him as a complete jerk even though he isn't. This was such a cute Takari story and I hope you write more in the future. Nice work!
TheKeyToDestiny chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
Love it! :)
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