Reviews for Implementation of Ideals
Barricade Butterfly chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
Ok, that was awesome. I love how he doesn't get to the point, and then Enjolras does, and then he just leaves...wonderful. I really, really love your Jehan.
IvyGreen13 chapter 2 . 9/6/2013
Oh my gosh, that was so cute! I loved it! Please update soon!
SunWillRise2340 chapter 2 . 12/18/2012
awwww this is so funny and sweet and and cute, and I would love to see what happens next!
GavrocheLesMis chapter 2 . 8/4/2012
That is so cute! I don't know why but before I'd only read the first chapter. I love the way you make Enjolras sound so innocent and such. Well done!

Sachita chapter 2 . 5/18/2012
Thank you for this story! It was cute and amusing and I adored it! Are you going to continue it? It was really one of the sweetest things I've ever read. Great line there:

""No, no. He is one of the abased, Combeferre."" No Robespierre then! Oh Goodness, leave it to Enjolras! That line really made me laugh, I loved it! Great great job ;-)
Ace of Gallifrey chapter 2 . 11/27/2011
Oh. My. God.

Yep, definite overload of cuteness. Hard to go wrong with anything tiny that purrs... but something tiny that purrs plus the least likely kitten-owner EVER (or perhaps I should say kitten-steward) tossed into the mix, things just get Beyond Adorable... :)
deactivxxx chapter 2 . 11/27/2011
This is so cute! I love your interpretations of the characters and the idea of Enjolras with a kitten is just wonderful. I can't wait to see how this plays out!
Insanemistosingsmore chapter 2 . 11/23/2011
Vari, this is perhaps the cutest thing I've ever read...
MamzelleCombeferre chapter 2 . 11/19/2011
After what has been a long tedious morning and early afternoon, this just made my day. :) I know I've said it before, but I love your Combeferre, and your Enjolras is superbly in character. I can't help but ask whether this came before or after Ma Mere? And I also once again humbly offer my name suggestion of Camille after Camille Desmoulins who was often compared to cat. :)
DreamerNumber3 chapter 1 . 9/19/2011
I would also love to see a follow up or a sequel because I could totally picture Jehan foisting abandonded animals onto les Amis... This reminds me a little of the pre-I love dogs speach from FMA, so I was totally expecting Enjolras to start ranting a bout the usefulness of cats... This wasn't what I expected, but it wasn't a disappointment.
ColonelDespard chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
Adorable! And if Robespierre had Brount, why shouldn't Enjolras have a kitten? Actually, I can see him relating in some ways better to a cat than to a human outside those who share his sphere of interests...there's that tactile quality in him that would rather appreciate having something to caress, and their independent aloofness might suit him well. Of course, there's always something in my head that links Courfeyrac with cats, beyond even Hugo's comments about his kittenish / tomcat elements (even before Marguerite expressed it so beautifully in APFTA) Enjolras - affection for cats has somehow been lurking in my head for a while, and it's lovely to see it realised in such a sweet and gentle way in this fanfic.
Bakura From School chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
I love this story. Its short and easy to read, its adorable, its got a good message, AND there's a cat in it. What's not to love.

Enjy taking care/holding that little kitten makes me so happy. Just so you know

I wanna thank you for posting this. It was a wonderful read between my stressful summer semester exams. Merci Beaucoup

Scooter12345 chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
I love it! That was so cute! :) It made me happy again YAY!

Insanemistosingsmore chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
Perhaps the most adorable bit of cat related fanfic I've ever read...and having began my fanfic career in the CATS fandom, I've read my fair share of cat fics. Awww, cute little nameless citoyen!
Citizeness Feuilly chapter 1 . 7/1/2011
That was just plain adorable! That's it, if you want it, you have to be Jehan in the Abaisse roleplay. You write him too well. :)

Is it going to be continued? See how Enjolras handles caring for one of the abased on a human level? I like the idea of the cat being named after a revolutionary - Saint-Just or Robespierre would probably be more up Enjolras' alley than Danton or Desmoulins - but anyone would be good. :D
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