Reviews for Letting Go
TheHiBot chapter 1 . 4/7
LoKi. . .
Oomara13 chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
watching thor with my dad...
he's like (jokingly): oh, he's so hunky!
sister and i: we didn't come here for thor.
dad:... and he's lying like crap

sigh... some people will never understand loki.
EyeForAnEar chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
I kept asking my friend for reassurance that my rooting for Loki throughout the entire movie wasn't a bad thing. ;) I mean, come on, Thor had SERIOUS anger management problems. You know, "oh, you annoy me" -throws hammer at random person-. Uh-huh. Whereas Loki... -sighs happily-... he just used cunning and maniuplation to get what he wanted.

... Okay, maybe it's not a very healthy point of view, but dang it, he was the best antagonist I've seen in recent movies. I watched 'The Avengers' AND watched 'Thor' for the first time today, to get the background information.

So, wonderful fic, very well written, with some tasteful Loki angst (not completely depressing crap) thrown in. Great job!

P.S. Did you also find Loki freakin' adorable at the beginning as a child? XD
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
madly9 chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
This was a beautiful perspective of Loki. You did an amazong job displaying his thpughts and feelings about what was happening.
DearCassius chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Ok, go back to the theaters. See Thor again. Stay for the after credit scene. You will be happy. Or go to YouTube. Search for "Thor After Credit Scene". You will be happy.

Ahhh... Loved this story. It's so full of raw, deep emotion. Goodness, I think I might cry. 'Twas beautifully written, my friend. Yes indeed.

-Loki's Little Helper
Captain Chirpov chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
That sounds so much like me when i went to go and see it! Not to mention that i went to see the movie because Chris Hemsworth was in it, but went back because of Loki. Loki... *inserts snippit of conversation with her dad*

Me: Dad, do you think Loki died? (we didn't stay for the after credits scene)

Dad: Probably. He couldn't have lived.

Me: But the bifrost end... he appeared to have gotten sucked into it... *is clinging to the hope that Loki is still alive*

Ah well... wonderful story, mellon nin!