Reviews for Uncivil War
definitelynope chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
This one is bittersweet do you get these ideas, oh...

Poor union!America ; A ;
GlassCase chapter 1 . 7/5/2011
Wow I've read a few other Civil War fics, but this one is by far my favorite even though it was only a one-shot there was so much emotion, and obvious tension between pretty much everyone.

In my headcanon I also think that America would split into two people, its seems more logical than him having a split-personality O.o
InsaneNicEly chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
Oooh the Civil War. Brilliant topic for fanfiction, I think. And yet again, your first chapter didn't disappoint. _

It's definitely interesting to see this side (or sides) of America who is usually so happy-go-lucky and certain of himself... And then his interaction with Britain and Hong Kong in the end... T_T Oh so bittersweet.

I am eager for more. .
CaptainCynical chapter 1 . 7/4/2011
Oh wow. I really, really liked this fic.

The parts where the Union didn't want to admit that he was also the Confederacy were interesting. I squeed with fangirlish delight when the Union kissed our dear empire on the forehead. Also, the part where the Union plants the idea of rebellion into other colonies' heads was quite funny as well.

Keep up the awesome work :)
Hymno chapter 1 . 7/3/2011
Guh it's so beautiful, but so bittersweet.. ugh 333333

As usual, the way you write and describe everything's perfect and just leaves me in this state afterwards where I can't think of anything else but what I just read.

And I feel so sad for America, because everything he's done and everything he's sacrified still hasn't given him the love he deserves, and AFDGSGLAGDXBA I love it so much 33

You didn't make it cliché (like, he'd have declared his love and then WHABANG England confesses that he's been in love with America this whole time, they kiss and live happily ever after etc), and that was - even though I felt sorry for America - perfect as well, because it just doesn't work like that.

Loove, Hymno