Reviews for RE:Play
Reynardetta chapter 13 . 3/29/2016
ngl I unexpectedly burst out crying at the end of this chapter
Guest chapter 4 . 3/26/2016
I thought it was Marik that told them this and Malik was the evil one
gaijinmononoke chapter 2 . 2/13/2015
The "emissary of the gods" cover story really made this chapter for me- of COURSE given the opportunity, and being in full possession of the facts/his memories of the future Atem would boost Yuugi up the socio-political ladder as much as possible. I am starry-eyed over this because, as much as Yuugi getting to be a NON-non-entity in Atem's court rather subverts fandom timetravel cliches, it makes SO MUCH SENSE, AND IS REALLY ENDEARING (like seriously, "the gods sent him," is the best off-the-cuff explanation Atem can come up with for Yuugi's existence. That's ADORABLE. (But also really, weirdly in-character))
nari.theforsaken chapter 14 . 2/2/2015
Can I just tell you how absolutely awesome you are?this fix is by far my fave I have read a lot of fics yugioh included and this is just so awesome I love that it's so factual and not just random guesses or assumptions and the characters are themselves not random. Twists of how some one wants or presumes them to be witch is fine in AU but annoying other wise (atleast for me) and their wasn't not only plot but depth and character/character relationship build and just... well I spent the last few months combing through the crapiest over dramatized poorly written highly exaggerated uncharacteristic fanfics I've ever had to read for the single purpose of finding just one that was some what good fix of my fave band shippings... and now I think I can honestly say I've read them all and only about 6 where good the rest made me bang my head on my desk or the nearest hard object so that you did a fic of one of my fave anime and a paring that I really like and it's this awesome I just had to let you know how happy this makes me thank you forever and a day for this
Flying Banana Dinosaur chapter 14 . 2/24/2014
I really adored this entire fic. You were spot-on with the characterization, so even the lighthearted scenes felt reasonable despite... well, Seto and Atem being who they are. The first few chapters were perfect not only in grammar and story flow, but also in the way that gets a reader completely hooked out of concern for the characters and anticipation for what is to come. It read perfectly as an expansion of canon.

I especially loved the way you handled Yuugi's characterization. He was equal amounts shy and sassy, courageous in his own little way. You highlighted the most important aspects of his character (and never made him out to be a damsel in distress, which is an automatic plus). I especially loved his interactions with the few counterparts to his modern friends, and his struggle to come to terms with his feelings for them while also dealing with everything else that was happening. It gave him a purpose in the story, a conflict outside of the growing relationship between him, Seto, and Atem. That was also really important, given that Seto had his own struggles with his split memories while Atem had to deal with his own impending death. They were all very interesting conflicts for each character to face.

The only concrit I have to offer has to do with the shift in writing style toward the end. The story reads incredibly well, but after Bakura shows up, there is a bit of the plot that seems to be written in a more... stiff manner, if that makes sense? As in, you wrapped everything back up to end the same way the Memory RPG did in the canon story, which is marvelous. But at that point, things started to focus more strictly on the plot and action points, and the golden moments of character interaction became more sparse. It seems as though you were trying very hard to adhere to the plot without taking too many liberties, which is a really difficult thing to pull off well. You did a really great job with it, too! There was just a definite line where plot and character interaction seemed to be separated, which was a bit jarring when compared to the style of earlier chapters.

But that's not even that big of a deal, and is a seriously nitpicky thing for me to mention in a review. Honestly, the entire fic had me on the edge of my seat for months. I looked forward to every update and screeched about it to my friends and recced it to as many people as I could get interested. You captured the essence of each character and wrote this so perfectly I could rave about it for days. Thanks so much for writing such an amazing piece!
WhiteNaomi chapter 14 . 2/23/2014
drr eh chapter 10 . 1/1/2014
The last few parts are great. The interactions between Djehuty and Yugi as well as with Seto and Atem. You have a really good grasp of their personalities, especially Yugi's I think, and it goes nicely with your writing style. I don't have much else to say except I hope to read more soon.

Hope you had a great new years too.
drr eh chapter 7 . 6/25/2013
Hi, uhh. I guess i shall leave a rather long review because it will cover the first seven parts and because I think this story and your writing is just great. I think whatever criticism i dish out you can take with a grain of salt because it's subjective to my tastes (me being a yaoi wench and all), and because it seems like you've put a lot more thought into your writing whereas I'm just operating on impressions.

I think for chapter 7, shifting the focus to bakura sort of halted the momentum of whatever you had going in the earlier parts. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. It's definitely made the story a lot more plot heavy but maybe it needed to be transitioned in a way so that i'm more curious about what bakura's up to rather than wanting to see the continuation of yugi/yami/kaiba. I dunno. I thought the writing was good, again maybe i just have too much yaoi on the brain :

I think plotwise/conceptwise/characterwise, the first six chapters are great. You somehow managed to think of a creative way to get yami and yugi their own bodies, to make a plot that's consistent with the canon, and to get all these itty bitty details correct, and on top of that put those details in a way that's seamless. I really appreciate the thought that you put into it. Another thing that I really like is your characterization. I'm not too picky about characterization because a lot of (good) writers tend to skew personality to make dialogue more interesting or witty or have some sort of banter, but ygo chars have a more japanese type of interaction and i like how you have a level of restraint when it comes to putting the most likely interaction and justifying the characters states when they're off, like anzu.

Anyway, I hope you keep working on it. I'll definitely keep tabs on it and try to give good feedback as much as possible.

WhiteNaomi chapter 6 . 4/20/2013
naomi chapter 5 . 1/2/2013
redconvoy chapter 4 . 5/15/2012
This is really a good story. You need to continue. I would love to know what will the final outcome be.
bostafu chapter 4 . 4/8/2012
I can't wait to see more of this story, it's only getting started! Well.. That's what I feel anyway. I feel there's more exciting things to come.
White-D chapter 4 . 2/25/2012
Truly an incredible story. I just love how you depict the characters, and especially the interactions between Yugi and Atem, it truly feels real ! And you care so much about all the details of Ancient Egypt, it's impressing how much work you're doing on this story.

I'm also really happy that there's a fanfiction about Atem and Yugi in Ancient Egypt after the conclusion of Yu-gi-oh so well-written.

I wish you good luck continuing this story, and more importantly that you enjoy writing it.

Also sorry for my spelling mistakes, English isn't my first language as I'm French !

I hope to read the next chapter soon ! Again, good continuation~
WhispersOnTheWind12345 chapter 3 . 7/17/2011
Great story so far! I always hated (and loved) the ending of Yu-Gi-Oh. Your story is a great alternative, and I don't think I have ever read a threesome with Yugi/Atem/Seth. Looking forward to your next update! Good job!
tinkletimekelly chapter 3 . 7/16/2011
Good Chapter DD
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