Reviews for Just Moments
Jessica chapter 9 . 3/30/2014
I love your writing so much. I'm just now stumbling upon your page and I absolutely love it. I'm going through major Mikita withdrawal
StarryNight101 chapter 7 . 1/12/2014
Oh my goodness. I love jelly-Michael and drunk-Nikita is hilarious. I also love Nikita talking about how Michael trying to kill her should count as something terrible, but it somehow doesn't.
StarryNight101 chapter 5 . 1/12/2014
Hehe, I love Michael's thought at the end. 'That woman was seriously badass.' EXACTLY what I thought when I saw that scene. She dislocated her own shoulder, just to get away! Hard to get more badass than that.
StarryNight101 chapter 2 . 1/12/2014
These are so good! I loved Prince Eric, too, and I always love fics which explore my favorite couples relationships through the eyes of others. I look forward to reading the rest of these!
Jay chapter 14 . 1/3/2014
So i just read ALL of your Nikita fan fics and omgggg. You're freakin talented! I loooove all of them! You're a great writer. Did you watch the final season of Nikita ? I'm still pissed it was only 6 episodes. :/
firehottie chapter 14 . 6/27/2013
I hope you get more time and or inspiration to update this again someday, it's wonderful. I love how you write their interactions, and am wondering what other moments you could come up with from the first two seasons.
BriezyWiezy chapter 14 . 6/24/2013
please update :)
lovepride chapter 14 . 6/2/2013
like it
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2013
I really hope that you continue these snapshots! You do a wonderful job with the characters and I can't wait to read more!
Kaylee21 chapter 14 . 4/19/2013
I'm loving all these snap shots!
NoYOU123 chapter 14 . 4/15/2013
Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh! U r so amazing at writing! I love this and u need to update EVERY SINGLE ONE of ur stories! I'm still in shock after reading this! I love how its strictly Mikita! Just... Wow!
sxcthing123 chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
love it!
sxcthing123 chapter 14 . 3/3/2013
ohhh love it! Please do continue :))
Wholives4Eva chapter 14 . 1/27/2013
This was well written and reflected what I too believe would be going on with Michael. The only question I have is regarding your last AN regarding him not going to let her leave him being true. I think given his past behaviour - pushing her away after Russia, and his confusion re Max that he is capable and prepared to do just that if he thinks its best for her. I'm not sure he's there just yet but I do believe its in the back of his mind - especially if he can't step up and still be a useful member of the team. It will interesting to see where it all goes and I loved this piece for its insight into the emotional turmoil he is currently enduring.
Miami Blackheart chapter 14 . 1/26/2013
A chill just ran down my spine when I read the last few lines. It was so sad and haunting and... ohmygosh, I'm gonna start crying again.

You really got Michael spot on. How, his personality being the way it is, he'd want to be useful, still be part of something bigger - like when he was in the Navy, and now in Division. He'd rather be dead than be worthless to the people who depend on him. And I love the fact that you highlighted that Nikita didn't make a good leader in Division because she wasn't consistent and she did things her own way (and the fact that the agents were all intimidated by her). They all need Michael more than anything.

Okay, I'll stop there. I'm rambling. Sorry. But I just love it when a story goes deep into a character's personality and thoughts. And the fact that it's written well is a nice little cherry on top. Excellent. ;)
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