Reviews for Crossing the Gateway
Chaoshift chapter 6 . 1/20/2017
Quite fascinating, a unique take on the AU.
Nadalada chapter 5 . 12/28/2011
So I was just going through my fav list looking for some fics to reread and guess what I found... This totally amazing story I forgot about because it hasnt been updated in soo fricken long! OMFGosh will you please update it! you even gave "spoilers" for the next chappie so I KNOW you have at the very at least an idea of whats gonna happen next! Please just make my christmas AND UPDATE! PLEASEEE!
WinglessCrows chapter 6 . 11/9/2011
I can't wait for next chapter. Please update soon. I'm getting restless. I think, your story is very good and well written. Keep up the good work!
Deadzepplin chapter 6 . 9/6/2011
So we got an Orochimaru named Haymen but what I don't get is the whole military deal they made why would they ever agree to serve in a different countries military?
Nadalada chapter 6 . 7/31/2011
AHHH I cant wait! I love your story3 Its a plot I've never seen before but loved by the first chapter. Im so excited for the ninja to kick some government ass! Well... I hope they do. All the ninjas are very in character and well written. Im guessing their will be some tension soon cause Narutos hokage and Hokages dont serve in the army, they lead the army! *Holds fist in the air* I love the length and I hope next chapter is equally long or ya know, longer would be good ;) I dislike Haymen already and Im hoping he gets what he deserves for threatening Team 7! Im a VERY truthful person and I can guarantee I would flame you if your story was bad so be comforted in the fact I am praising you (wow that sounded conceited:/) I hope you update soon and NEVER abandon this story!

- Nadalada3
silferdeath chapter 6 . 7/26/2011
hihi so funny xD i can't wait till the next chapter

PlotBunnyHeaven chapter 2 . 7/23/2011
LOL so funny ... whats going to happen to the beach bags?

keep writing and good job!
PlotBunnyHeaven chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
it wasnt that broring, i found it interesting. good job :)
KyoKyoLOL chapter 6 . 7/23/2011
LOL so funny. cant wait for more. and how will Naruto get rid of his energy?

LOL, im so perverted
RABiggestFan chapter 6 . 7/23/2011


this is really well written, but the first couple of chapters couldve had more content, but you make up for it with the longer one for this chapter :D

is it just me or does it seem a bit rushed at the end? i dunno

Anyway, i love the plot! DONT DISCONTiNUE! and bring on the action :D !

And i hope both adderbull and haymen get a good kick in the head!

Anyways, as you probably already guessed, i love this fic, its grat, its fantastis, its wonderful, etc etc,

RABiggestFan :D
bromomo chapter 6 . 7/23/2011
Really good chapter. Keep up the great work!
Will Heins chapter 6 . 7/23/2011

Well this is definitely an interesting chapter! Good to know that the guys are finally getting out from that "cell".

But I'm guessing the next chapter will be even more interesting! So I can't wait! Hope you'll update soon and thank you:)
Glitterthorn chapter 6 . 7/22/2011
Yay for updates! :) Loved it, although Haymen and Adderbull are both bastards. XD
Will Heins chapter 5 . 7/19/2011

This is really an awesome story! And it's definitely one of a kind! And I really,really like it) So don't you even think about discontinuing it!

That's a threat!

Nee...) Just kidding! about the threat)

But please continue with it!

It's getting pretty interesting, though Sasuke could at least go and see if Sakura was okay. But seeing him asking about the bathroom was something that pays for it) a spatially on order!

As usually a good work!

Well that's it!

See you in the next chapter!
silferdeath chapter 5 . 7/18/2011
god say ninja and even those morons must know were you're are talking about

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