Reviews for Because You Are Mine
OnyxDmmd chapter 1 . 1/26/2012
Liked it? I LOVED it! xDDD lol Do more! Do more please! 3
Teh Way chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
funny thing is that i was mentally checking with history to see if I could point anything out (too many stupid americans writing). other than that, i have to say that you're sort of awesome, even though you're danish. DenSwe ftw!
SarahSerendipidy-OliviaMaestro chapter 1 . 9/8/2011

Jeg fandt den første gang på deviant,og jeg har elsket den lige siden!

Jeg elsker hvordan du har skrevet Danmark og Sverige :D

Please, PLEASE skriv mere! :D

(ikke på denne historie, bare noget mere med Norden C:)
AngelOfPastPresentAndFuture chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Love it!

Especially the teasing between the two of them, lucky for me, that's about the whole story :)
PianoIsLove chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
Very nice! :D I can't wait to see more of this. Nice work!
im.watchin.sunsets chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
This was interesting, though I don't quite understand the history behind it... *knows practically nothing about the Nordics* Anyway, I liked how Denmark and Sweden were actually acquainting themselves with where all their weapons were while giving Russia a little show. I particularly liked that line where Denmark said "Weapon. Less groping." It made me laugh. I noticed a few grammar and spelling errors that are simple fixes; and I'd love to betaread for you, drop me a PM if you're interested!
Hhhhhp chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
I cannot begin to tell you how hot this was. You don't see very many DenSwe fanfics on fanfiction and that's sad. But I'm glad there are a few good ones like these for DenSwe fans like myself. My fav part of your fic was how Denmark was teasing Sweden and of course the weapon kink was awesome. Oooh,and the fact that Russia was watching this all along. This was a very good read.
Yura-chan chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
O.O You should be aware that because of you I am in very much danger of drowning in blood and drool. I hope you're happy. I am.

I like the characterization, and I LAUGHED at the gun-designer. LAUGHED. It was epic. XD Must also love the groping/weapon-searching scene.

Their interaction feels realistic to me, which enhanced the story even more. I love the exasperated but still familiar feel between them. Like they've crossed from enemy to friend to lover to sibling and back to enemy so many times they can't be bothered to remember which it is now. You also make it very evident that they know each other well, and know just how to rile the other one up. I'd actually like to see a continuation of this. A bit of how they remember what it was like to be friends all the time, and maybe some in love falling? 'Blinks Huge Hopeful Eyes At You' It would make me happy. It would make me very happy, indeed. :D

Some minor misspellings and grammar mistakes, but nothing that bothered me (Grammar-nazi, and Proud of it!), so it's all good. :D

I'd also like to be a beta-reader. But I have never been one before so I have no idea how to go about it. Still, I think it'd be fun. And I'd learn eventually, right? :D

Salutations form Sweden

zwuebek chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
I thought this was very good, I loved it!
fanciful.thoughts chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Oh, you wonderful person. Possessive Denmark, mocking one another, grinding, AND guns? Too wonderful for me to possibly express my wonder. Thank you so much.

The world needs more DenSu like this! Or, perhaps, SweDen... ;D