Reviews for Love Makes You Crazy
WrittingPassesTime chapter 14 . 4/2
I read this years ago, when I was in middle school, and back then I read it in about two days. I was completely gripped by the way you wrote the characters and your OCs. Now, on lockdown for coronavirus, I thought that I would re-read some stories I had fallen in love with years ago, and this was the first one I thought of. Just like I had years ago, I read it in the span of two days. I love the plot, and Tundra's character development was just as exciting to read now as it was then, and the climax of the story is incredibly thrilling. Really, this was amazing. Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
RiliameMizzryn chapter 14 . 12/3/2019
This fanfiction came out a good while ago, but I and my family decided to re-watch some older films, and the choice fell upon Ice Age 3. So I decided to find some fanfiction, and highly doubted I'd ever find anything of quality, as that is scarce when it comes to fanfictions. But then I found this, and you asked for a review, so here comes one. six years late.
This was great, first and foremost, but you've probably heard that a thousand times, so I'll specify. Your depiction of Buck's character was spot-on. After the failure that was Ice Age 5, I'll just replace his entire character there with how he is here, as my new canon. I love how you delved into his psyche, and covered his mental state, without him becoming cliche, and still maintaining the humour and comedy that is also central to him. His character development from A to B is very well written, and pleasantly so from a 3. person perspective.
Then Tundra. She was an original, good character, with both good and bad qualities, with great development too. I bet if I were to re-read the first chapter, (which I probably will do), I wouldn't have thought her the same person at all. Overall, I personally am fond of her open-mindedness, boldness, but also insecurities and flaws, though that's very subjective.
I also like the balance of themes in the story, the darker action or seriousness of the violent pirates, Buck's past, yet combined with the humour and silliness that is canonically Ice Age. It's very clear that you planned this story out, with how it's so well structured, and divided between the setting of above and underground.
The writing style itself is really only the slight "problem" I have, as the use of participles, or... Whatever these strange -ing verbs in English really are. (One time when I asked my Latin teacher he just stared out in the air in silent contemplation before he bestowed his wisdom upon the silent students: "English is a weird language." I don't think my former English teacher understood them either.) But something that may be more evident for non-English natives is when English/American authors use these verb conjugations too much. It can get tiresome.
But otherwise, this story actually... Managed to move me emotionally. Which is quite an accomplishment for fanfictions. Or anything I read online, or off a screen, really. It was enticing, and all the more fun to explain for my friend why the romance between a former pirate weasel and a pineapple, with a mink stuck in the middle is the best I've read this year, and by the end of it, I'm proud of the amount of self-control I had, not to jump up and down in happiness on the bus, once those two finally kissed and got married.
Either way, because Ice Age took a turn for the worse after the third movie in particular, this is now my new canon. Thank you very much for writing this, and for the tips at the very end, and thank you for this experience.
Barrelracer0967 chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
Plain Jane Pixie chapter 11 . 10/4/2018
Oh my dude! I can't wait to read more! This is getting too good!
Plain Jane Pixie chapter 10 . 9/27/2018
This story has been an absolute thrill to read! All your characters share the perfect amount of chemistry and I've been aching to see Tundra and Buck finally get together. I hope they can resolve this conflict quickly.

Also, I'd like to kindly ask of you to please check out my recently updated Ice Age fan fic, "The Tale of Two Cousins"? If you can, that is. There's only four chapters so far but I've working my ass off on that story and I am aching to hear some feedback. So if you could, I would greatly appreciate it. (:
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2018
I don't want to be rude but shipping Buck with yourself or an oc is not my cup of tea
TheShortSensei chapter 14 . 4/1/2018
Hello author friend,

I'm not even sure you'll get this, but I just wanted you to know that a few years after you wrote this people still think your story is amazing. I've read a few fanfictions in my time and I haven't come across one as detailed or well-thought-out as this one. I felt genuine fear when the pirates were doing their scary things and my heart melted when there were moments between Tundra and Buck. She was a great OC. Those kind of guys only come out once in a blue moon, you know? Not too much information and not too little, letting it out as the story goes on. I also love the cliffhanger you left us off on. Now, as an author myself, I understand the struggle of feeling like the book you're in the middle of isn't getting as much recognition as you'd like it to, but really it just takes time. I promise. Patience isn't really my thing, either, but in writing that is a needed element. I really hope your work gets published someday, because with the potential and work ethic you've got going here I think there's a bright future ahead of ya.

literally someone who stumbled into this book from curiosity and feeling it from a past fandom
Guest chapter 14 . 9/25/2017
So freaking good. It made my list. And I only actually like a few. So feel free to count yourself lucky.
I am not at the moment able to do a real critic, but I just want you to know I like you.
- silver dragon
SnapeFan777 chapter 12 . 9/12/2017
You know, this fanfic would make a great movie or video game. You should try it sometime.
Songorita chapter 14 . 12/11/2016
I love this story. Can't wait for the sequel. Keep up the awesome work.
Spread the Word chapter 1 . 9/5/2016
Should Buck have his own film?
Guest chapter 8 . 7/15/2016
I have loved this story so far can not wait to read the rest!
ZombieKitty217 chapter 14 . 5/6/2016
Holy shit the skill is too much. This is amazing, I've been scavenging around hoping for a good Buck fanfic but I never expected one so well thought out and written. I repeat: holy shit. Every chapter was amazing and honestly I was always conflicted when flipping to the next chapter because on one hand, i was getting closer to ending the story, and on the other, I had to know what was going to happen next.

I see that it's been a long while since u finished this story so I was wondering, are u still going to write a sequel? I really hope so, you're such a good writer!

Once more, thank you for surpassing my expectations so vastly, it was an awesome surprise straight from the beginning

Good luck with your writing! :)
SnapeFan777 chapter 13 . 4/11/2016
Actually, Minks and Weasels are pretty similar. I don't think there would be any problems with any future kids.
SnapeFan777 chapter 14 . 2/21/2016
I'm bad at reviews. I tend to make them short and sweet and to the point, but this story is good. Really really good. I love how well it's written. Though there are some typos, there aren't many. I love this fanfic and can't wait to see what will happen in the sequel. I'm interested in seeing how Buck will interact with his sister. Also, will Buck and Tundra have any kits? Just wondering. What's a marriage without children? Keep on writing!
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