Reviews for Lessons in Housekeeping
Guest chapter 6 . 2/11/2019
Not to be rude, but...

Numylėtine(or to be grammatically in lithuanian correct, numylėtoji*)* Tiesa and Mylinti* dukra
The adjectives you used were in male form, lithuanian is a two-gender language where the gender the adjective is aimed at is distinguished by its ending (e/is, a/as).

Its just Senelė, theres no need for didžioji, as didžioji-senelė would mean The Very-Big Grandmother. We use motina for mother and senelė for grandmother, there is no need for the grand, its already diffrent.

Pensilvanija*, Pensilvanijos is Pensylvania's. See Amerika - Amerikos.

Also 'savo' means 'your own',and to say "your mother", you say "tavo mama(or if mother, motina, as mama means mom in a childrens' way of saying it)" (Explanation: "pasiįmk savo šuni" which is what we say, means, 'take your own dog', and then even if "tavo šuo" would mean 'your dog', we do not say "pasiįmk tavo šuni").
Ayyyyy chapter 11 . 6/28/2018
Chapter 10 anyone?
Kelly chapter 11 . 6/24/2018
I remember finding this story years ago in high school and reading it with my friends. We all think you do a wonderful job writing dramatic scenes. The ones with Al and Matt and Al and his mother were heartbreaking. Hope life is treating you well!
Peridot Tears chapter 11 . 5/10/2018
Hey. So, uh...

I read this way, way back in 2015. And I know you've moved onto AO3, but I've really liked this fic since the first time. I could see a lot of development and skill put into the story and writing style in general, so...

Haha. I guess it's a lot to ask, but I would really like to read this story to the end. (It's a rare pairing too, lol.)

Also, the memory about Canada dying still sticks with me. And where Ivan's mind is at. And Tori is just a burst of lovable-ness.

If you ever decide to come back, I'd definitely read through.

Pyruvate chapter 11 . 6/20/2017
I love it... are you still continuing? I hope you are. It's a beautiful story and deserves a beautiful ending. But, if life gets in the way and you can't continue, it's still a wonderful story and I want to thank you for taking the time to write it. A long story like this is quite the commitment and I really appreciate your gift to the community. Best wishes!
Guest chapter 11 . 9/14/2016
are you going to make more?
RandomLithuanian chapter 10 . 7/18/2016
And I'm back again.
Please don't hurt me - prašau nemuškite (or nežeiskite) manęs
The story is very interesting tho
RandomLithuanian chapter 9 . 7/18/2016
Love the story...there's one (new) mistake:
Turkija - is Turkey as in the country
Kalakutas - turkey as in the bird
RandomLithuanian chapter 6 . 7/18/2016
The story is really awesome, but there are a few wrong translations. Like:
Your loving daughter - jūsų mylinti dukra
Great-grandma - Prosenelė
Your - Tavo (savo means mine)
And that's about it. There are also slight mistakes with Lithuanian names but it's not much. Like I said the story is awesome.
viltaute chapter 6 . 7/11/2016
I loved this chapter! But some words aren't right. Great-grandmother would be "prosenelė" because when you say "didžioji senelė" is means big grandma. And your would be "tavo" in this case. And such. I'm not gonna correct much. Love this so far!
Guest chapter 11 . 4/18/2016
Oh please oh please update soon
natasha calli chapter 11 . 12/5/2015
This is so good. Please update soon. I really wish Alfred and Arthur would reconcile. I mean the guy is not perfect but so is the father. I wish there was a female America, I mean the guy probably raped Tori. He doesn't need a queen, more lik a sounding board that would support his crazy deeds. Somehow I don't see Tori as queen for him.
Pandoala chapter 11 . 7/16/2015
I dont usualy like to nag at people to finish their stories, espescialy not when the dates says its been long. Life goes on and all that. But this, is a masterpiece. It would be wonderfull if you could finish it.
Best wishes.
America The Breaker chapter 11 . 7/8/2015
Updated: Jul 3, 2013...Why?! ;A; -dies-
Guest chapter 10 . 5/2/2015
Prussia, Hungary, and Austria? Poor Austria, but he should know better than to go to one of Alfred's parties and get drunk off his a...nevermind. Lovely backstories, tragic as they are.
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