Reviews for Bad Days and Drunken Phonecalls
ButterflyN chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Awesome story for two of my favoutritw shows, would love too see more in the future xxxx
Sewtunes chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
Nice how you put the RB Callaghan together with the SRU Callaghan! Too bad Luke's name doesn't have the G in it! Oh well, anything's possible in fanfiction, and I like this one.
Hope06 chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
I love it that Jules is related to Luke\

Love the two teams together
JulesNH4 chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Wow, loved all the twists in this story- It was really fun! Great job, and thank you for combining my two favourite Canadian cop shows!

PS. It's weird to notice how similar some of the names are between the two shows!
nini16 chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
quand la suite ;D
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30/2012
Great work! But I'm Pretty sure there is a few more chapters in this story...)
Pginny1 chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
Great story! I loved the crossover! Never saw the Jules and Luke sibling thing coming! Good one! (PS dialog got a bit confusing at times but keep writting plz!)
Tima chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
this was great! You and xxliveforever17xx are putting ideas into my head about a crossover between FP and RB, too! hehehe
xxliveforever17xx chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
This is fantastic! It really is obvious to have the two shows cross over, isn't it? And the Jules/Luke connection was brilliant. I've always thought it funny that they have the same last name and was so happy when you made that brother/sister relationship happen here. Anyways, the dialogue was spot-on (so glad Lou is still here, in my reality he's still around as well) and the whole camaraderie between the SRU boys and RB boys was so wonderful. Just sad that this story had to end!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
I loved it xD So much and i agreed with you on the top Lou is still there in my mind too xD
Francine2869 chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
I loved this! It's so true that they could all be friends and having Jules be Luke's sister just stirs the pot. I would read a longer story if you wrote it. You write the relationships between each other them well so it would be interesting to see them in more detail/spend more time together.

Thanks for posting!
edwardfiend chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Just wanted to say that I love this. Two of my fav shows and every time I watch them I'm always wishing there would be some overlap and that the characters could know each other, they do work for the Same Police Department after all. Any way this is so good. Please update.
Lazerwolf314 chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
.Ous. I would LOVE to see what would happen next :) Very good.
Wondering Tree chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
First can I just say Hurray that Lou is still around in your reality, cause that is pretty much the way I see things to.

I loved the story. I think Jules and Luke being related was a great little twist. I would love to see more of these two sets of cops hanging out together. It was great to see Sam's buddies have his back when he needed them.
ceswahb chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
I had never watched flashpoint but when you posted this first and I read it and you made them sound really interesting so I had to watch it. Thank you so much because now I am completely addicted to it. sorry for not reviewing earlier.

Love this story and hope you write more like it. I liked the twist of Luke and Jules and i think Olivers line was really funny.
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